Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.
[font=Verdana]Restrictivelaws do not reduce abortion
Carbon offsets by definition do not reduce such emissions.
The disease modulating drugs (DMD's) do NOT reduce symptoms.
Most mulches do not reduce other pests, such as soilborne pathogens, insects, and nematodes.
Why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.
Offsets do not reduce emissions and must therefore not be included in any agreement made at Copenhagen.
Thus, graphical representations of programming concepts do not reduce the amount of programming involved.
Thus, graphical representations of programming concepts do not reduce the amount of programming involved .
因此,编程概念的图形化表达不会减少所涉及的编程工作量 .
That way, the anticipated real burden of debt does not rise, and households do not reduce consumption even more in anticipation of continued falling prices.
So long as Americans do not reduce their consumption of oil, refusing to drill at home means importing more of the stuff, often from places with looser environmental standards.
According to the characteristics of early spring weather day three, clothes do not reduce meal, early winter coat off, extremely easy cold lung injury, respiratory system diseases.
The study says that small doses of oral sucrose do not reduce the pain which a baby feels when its heel is pricked to yield a blood sample or it has a drip put in to receive antibiotics.
Beware that do not boil mung beanl too rotten, lest make organic acids and vitamin destruction, reduce heat clearing and detoxicating effect.
Unfortunately, wide-ranging contraception programs do not usually reduce this rate.
But scientists have found that such products do not produce significantly stronger bones, nor do they reduce the chance of a child suffering fractures.
Their research, released on June 20th, confirms that ICT could in fact do much to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions—but not in the way you might think.
“It’s not intended to totally block infection, ” she said. “But what it can do is greatly reduce disease and spread and symptoms.”
“I believe that we have to reduce the deficit, but that is not all we have to do, ” he said.
But these new types of climate action do not replace the need to reduce carbon emissions.
"That's one of the reasons we want to focus on not just how we respond to disaster, we need to do that, but how you reduce the impact of those disasters before they happen," Holmes said.
When it comes to climate, what counts is not only what humans do to reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases, but also how the earth responds.
Current treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can reduce pain, but they do not work for everyone. They also have side effects such as an increased risk of infection.
Inlining can reduce the size of the regions index dramatically since inlined documents do not require any regions index entries.
Well-understood methods can reduce the strain that large downloads create on the core network, even if they do not help with the last mile.
Best practice: If you want to reduce the execution time, then do not define joins in a rule that filters out the number of records being evaluated by the rule.
The problem is that investors do not regard financial assets as they do other goods; lower prices do not encourage them to buy more, but simply reduce their confidence.
When I write that I am trying to reduce my driving, I'm not arguing that everyone should do the same.
The resulting responses may not prevent infection, but they may reduce symptoms to a degree that people do not even realize they are infected.
The resulting responses may not prevent infection, but they may reduce symptoms to a degree that people do not even realize they are infected.