It is used to energise supporters, court donations and unite a sprawling operation.
It can be used to energise the plunger cylinder if the control voltage of the servo circuit has failed.
The massaging and exfoliating actions energise the skin to boost circulation for a glowing healthy-looking complexion.
Intermittent fasting gives your digestive system a rest, and this can energise your metabolism to burn through calories more efficiently.
Is a burst of interim management what your business needs to energise the workforce? Perhaps you just have an urgent recruitment gap to fill.
Improve customer service, increase traffic to your site, and energise the online purchasing experience with tracking tools that are free to download.
Therefore, all CHI treatments and signature product range of massage and essential oils are designed to restore balance and re-energise the mind and body.
We need to re-energise him and give him the proper treatment before we consider him for the first-team because the title won't be decided in the first game.
Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energise them from the energies around us.
To shift-debt-to-share is an important strategic means by which China can resolve the financial risks and energise the middle-and-large-scaled state-owned enterprises.
The party's ticket, his staff add, will energise particular constituencies, what with a black candidate for senator, a woman for governor and a Jew for attorney-general.
Like Japanese kabuki theatre, in which characters use exaggerated gestures to energise the audience, the country's statistics unrealistically magnify both good news and bad.
The ENERGISE programme's vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue, while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels.
The ENERGISE programme's vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue, while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels.