In this engine, air is converted, by burning fuel, into a blast of hot gas moving at high velocity.
The jet leaves contrails in its wake due to the temperature difference between the hot engine exhaust and the cold air.
When a jet engine is running, a fan at the front draws in air, which is then compressed and burned with fuel to produce hot, rapidly expanding gases which roar out of the back.
喷气发动机运转时,前端的风扇吸入空气; 空气经过压缩后与燃油一道被点燃;高温的燃气迅速膨胀,咆哮着冲出尾喷管。
Because cooler air has a higher density (greater mass per unit volume), cold air intakes generally work by introducing cooler air from outside the hot engine bay.
Because cooler air has a higher density (greater mass per unit volume), cold air intakes generally work by introducing cooler air from outside the hot engine bay.