The first line in Listing 6 contains information for Ella Kimpton, including her ID, name, and customer status.
清单6中的第一行包含了有关Ella Kimpton 的信息,包括她的身份号、姓名和客户状态。
The boundary of an area of land is a line in people's imagination that separates it from other areas.
They were expecting to see one certain frequency or one line in the spectrum at this point here.
The great thing about kefir is that it does not require a manufacturing line in order to be produced.
What he is better remembered for is the introduction of the moving assembly-line in Detroit in 1913.
We are starting a new line in casual clothes.
An employ asked, "Would the new system create long lines to get into the building like the line in the airport security checks?"
There is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.
For each line in the line buffer for a CU, we need to check for the low address match to find the first line number.
要获得 CU 的行缓冲的每一行,我们需要检查低位地址匹配以找到函数的第一行的行号。
Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and its concomitant increase line in unemployment?
Either way, the incoming Fed chief will have to walk a fine line in slowly ending the stimulus.
When summer comes, you'll see armies of tourists waiting in line in order to get a seat.
The wretched prisoners were dragged from the hold, all except Wendy, and ranged in line in front of him.
For each line in the data array, extract the precise pixel coordinates in the image.
In this article, I supplied the password on the command line; in normal operations you would not do this.
As shown below, each line in every file provided will be transformed into an inflected alphanumeric string.
The resolution of the spat may lead Mexico to take a tougher line in future disputes.
For testing purposes, uncomment the sample printing line in Listing 7 to show the keystroke signature before encryption.
The second line in Listing 2 defines the XML namespace.
清单2中的第二行定义了XML 名称空间。
When standing in line in a large store with multiple checkouts, expect the other lines to move faster.
The last line in the tag shows the GC cycle was completed in 26 milliseconds.
You 'd better make a schedule to the line in case that your trip delay too long.
Each line in the first file is matched to the same and only the same line in the second file for a match on the default field.
then the function would be called once for each line in the range (in this case, for every line in the file).
By looking at the legend (or key), you should be able to tell which line in the graph is which.
The line in bold is what developers would have to type if you did not provide this binding.
For each line in the flat file, the data handler module performs a target service invocation.
Not adding this line in the script will create a pop-up error while connecting to the instance using VNC.
And, the bottom line in modeling is make it only as complex as you need to.
And, the bottom line in modeling is make it only as complex as you need to.