The weather is terrible, particularly in winter, and there's no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston.
That doesn't make up for it at all.
If you miss a meal, you don't get to make up for it at the next meal.
So I'd try to make up for it by giving him one of my old shirts or a broken toy.
To make up for it, I spent an extra hour in the gym, running an extra 20 KMS.
But, this cinched-in gold and black cocktail dress did its best to make up for it.
I had seen that I had disappointed her before, and I wanted to do better, make up for it.
When that strength has gone, you have a handicap but you can make up for it with experience.
Where is the last fifteen percent? It may depend on my following-up efforts to make up for it.
Other American Banks, denied a foothold in ICBC, are scrambling to make up for it wherever they can.
While some companies can't offer the highest wages, they are able make up for it in other areas.
The graphics are ok, but the quick load time and low system requirements more then make up for it.
I'm not as young as I was, but I make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to the whole thing.
You can do what you want, right? Well, you sure can if youwant to scramble to make up for it later on.
We aren't allowed to drink when we are in training but we intend to make up for it after the race is over.
But if privacy is somewhat important to you, storing your flash memory separately could genuinely make up for it.
Another study looked at how people who cut fat but added more food to make up for it still ended up losing weight.
This goes against the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simply make up for it by gorging on food later on.
The blooms do not have a scent but more than make up for it providing real interest in the flower bed and in dinner conversation!
Mikel said: "We had a disappointment last game but we want make up for it by going out there and making sure we win this game."
This isn't the flashiest game you'll play, but the imaginative art style, stage designs and animations more than make up for it.
As for the unfairness arising from the transparency reduction by the system, effective supervision should be used to make up for it.
By lowering prices on fresh fruits and vegetables, Wal-Mart says it will cut into its own profits but hopes to make up for it in sales volume.
They would invariably feel they had not enjoyed enough as males in this life and therefore had to make up for it after they were reborn.
They would invariably feel they had not enjoyed enough as males in this life and therefore had to make up for it after they were reborn.