The tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.
They must never for a moment relax or miss a single opportunity to do propaganda among the masses and to organize and arm them.
The prophet on the top of Carmel continued to wrestle with God and never for a moment gave way to the fear that he would not be suited for Jehovah's courts.
The prophet on the top of Carmel continued to wrestle with God, and never for a moment gave way to a fear that he should be non-suited in Jehovah's courts.
Well I think that we should always call matter 'time matter' or matter of time so that we never for a moment forget its essential temporality and essential changefulness.
Until the moment everyone started telling me to mellow out, I had never been tense for a single moment in my life.
In spite of the awkward questions the minister never let his guard fall for a moment.
Never swim alone—even for a moment.
You never forgot for a moment that, given the chance, they'd kill you to get out.
By the grace of Providence I have never had a headache in my life, nor a moment of compunction for interrupted school studies.
She would never allow herself to forget for a moment the things he liked, or the behaviour which pleased him.
Actually, it never really went away, but for a brief moment recently, it seemed at least to be in retreat.
A few weeks in, Rachelle heard about Lana Clarkson, who had died a few weeks before their meeting. But Rachelle didn't for one moment doubt Phil's innocence. Never has, never will.
Even if I never reached my ultimate goal of a full-time income, the experience itself would have given many benefits, both in the moment and for the future.
We had some music, and Lupin, who never left Daisy's side for a moment, raved over her singing of a song, called "some Day."
We've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, thus we are happy to play there finally. We've never been there before.
He meant to ask for a meal ticket, but the seemingly proper moment never came, and he decided to pay himself that night.
The genius is the most powerful cow, they want for a day for 18 hours of working never stop for a moment.
Assume for a moment that you are going to be leaving earth on a spaceship, never to return.
However, we have to realize that doubts will never end, and so there is a time when we just accept that for the moment we don't understand, and instead stop worrying and fully and just practice.
Yes, -you must be a little nearer to some port or other, for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life, you have never been still for a single moment.
"For a moment he was stunned into silence by this new learning. Finally he said quietly," I never realized that, Amy.
You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
Everyday you are changing also, At the moment you are older than last second., but you should never regret for your past, it is a wise thought and action which sum up past and handle the present.
Everyday you are changing also, At the moment you are older than last second., but you should never regret for your past, it is a wise thought and action which sum up past and handle the present.