In some professions, niceness does not get you very far.
Niceness always leaves endless aftertaste in people.
Walter's most salient quality, besides his love of Patty, was his niceness.
Next to Mr Pearce's aggression, Mr Lewis embodies niceness and politeness.
Well, I guess you can't be around that much niceness and not get any on you.
He USES unique ways to echo elegies for the niceness in his fantastic novels.
The outbreak of niceness has eroded their fear and they are no longer alert to danger.
In addition to the top command, you can also display niceness values using the ps command.
One of the things about most "nice guys" is that they use their "niceness" as an excuse.
The ni column in Listing 1 above, shows the scheduling priority or niceness of each process.
Thanks to you all and your wonderful niceness, I've gotten to see most of the places on my list on tour.
So let's try starting four processes at four different niceness levels (0, 6, 12, and18) and see what happens.
But niceness and handsomeness have a common effect: They put these men in the group of people that you notice.
In too many workplaces, says Yves Morieux, colleagues try to keep up a façade of niceness because it's more pleasant.
The work shows a goddess with a flower ring in hand. It shows the praise of niceness and love of life by romantic skill.
With four different priorities, we see the effect of the different niceness values as each job finishes in priority order.
I've always wanted to like Coldplay for just that attribute. They're a band of nice young lads being rewarded for niceness.
Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE... and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.
You may have guessed from Listing 1 or Listing 2 that the default niceness, at least for processes started by regular users, is 0.
Before we look at how to set or change niceness values, let's build a little CPU-intensive script that will show how niceness really works.
Most likely to be damned by faint praise: Women, who the researchers found are far more likely than men to be lauded for their all-around niceness.
Niceness generally ranges from -20 to 19, with -20 being the most favorable or highest priority for scheduling and 19 being the least favorable or lowest priority.
niceness的范围一般从- 20到19,- 20表示调度优先级最高,19表示优先级最低。
He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.
It seems that everything of niceness lives in our memory, but the present things happening around us are often ignored which could also be good memories many years later!
To demonstrate the use of nice to set priorities, let's start two copies of the script in different subshells at the same time, but give one the maximum niceness of 19.
为了演示如何使用nice设置优先级,首先同时在不同的subshell中启动两个count1. sh脚本的副本,但是将其中一个的nice值设置为最大值19。
To demonstrate the use of nice to set priorities, let's start two copies of the script in different subshells at the same time, but give one the maximum niceness of 19.
为了演示如何使用nice设置优先级,首先同时在不同的subshell中启动两个count1. sh脚本的副本,但是将其中一个的nice值设置为最大值19。