But the bravado is based partly on the hope that the oil price will rise next year, and the conviction that Venezuela’s private banks will be happy to finance this year’s deficit, albeit at a price.
The rise of the overall price level has a very strong structural feature, yet it is on the whole moderate and controllable.
For bond prices to rise on such a big jump in inflation, markets must be placing a great deal of faith in the core index as the true gauge of price pressures. Is that wise?
But while it is easy to bet on a rise in the future price of some asset, simply by buying the asset, it is not so easy to bet on a fall in that price.
A simplified answer is that he will keep the oil in the ground if its price is expected to rise faster than the interest rate that could be earned on the money obtained from selling the oil.
As price continues to rise it also moves to the right on the chart as each new price candle is added.
As is shown by the two graphs above, the average price of eggs was on the rise from 1990 to 1995 and the demand for them increased correspondingly.
Whether the recent rise in oil price is temporary or it's a sustained long-term trend, this will depend on the outcome of the Middle East conflict and the pace of global recovery.
HBO did not cause the rise in the price of basic-cable packages. But because it is sold as an add-on, other channels are in effect increasing its price.
As is shown by the two graphs above, the average price of eggs was on the rise from 1990 to 1995 and the demand for them increased correspondingly.
We feel that your counter-offer is not proper because the price for such material is on the rise at present.
We feel thin your counter-offer is not proper capsicum is derived from price for such mdinedrias is on the rise recently.
Resistance is a level, usually identified on a price chart, where selling interest is strong enough to overcome buying pressure so that the price does not rise beyond this point.
In addition, the rise in the price of oil is similar to an increased tax imposed by foreigners. It must be paid, and doing so requires spending less on something else.
As is shown by the two graphs above, the average price of eggs was on the rise from 1990 to 1995the demand for them increased correspondingly.
The results showed that the international oil price rise has a positive impact on shale gas company stock prices, and the impact is of a time lag, and gradually decreased;
The results showed that the international oil price rise has a positive impact on shale gas company stock prices, and the impact is of a time lag, and gradually decreased;