To get a quote, the client gets the representation of an operation for the only port in the service.
You must deploy the stock quote service and the interceptor on both the client and the server side.
By multiplying the two values, the service calculates the stock quote in yen.
The cloud brokering instance should support a quote service to permit users to ask for quotes before using a resource.
This stock quote service implementation returns unique values for the symbols XXX and YYY, and returns zero for anything else.
An example of using the stock quote service via a stub generated by WSIF's port type compiler is shown in Listing 5.
An example of its use for invoking the stock quote service is shown in Listing 4; you can find details in the documentation included with the WSIF distribution.
Figure 8 shows the message queue approach applied to service invocation, specifically our stock quote service.
In the case of the stock quote service, the consumer knows the UDDI service's address, which in turn knows the stock quote services' addresses, as shown in Figure 1.
Content is derived from the payload of the service request (for instance, an insurance quote request).
Updating a customer quote is a business service, updating a record in a database isn't.
In this version of the client, AxisSQClient first gets a representation for the stock quote service defined by the incoming WSDL (arg [0]).
在客户机的这个版本中,AxisSQClient首先获取传入的WSDL (arg[0])所定义的股票报价服务的一个表示。
Next, the client gets a representation for the stock quote service defined by the incoming WSDL (arg [0]).
接下来,客户机获取传入的WSDL (arg[0])所定义的股票报价服务的一个表示。
It contains a component definition for the MyValueComponent, which contains a reference to a stock quote service.
Specifically, you built a stock quote Web service whose implementation accesses the Yahoo!
特别地,我们构建了股票报价Web服务,它的实现将访问Yahoo !
For example, consider a simple Web service for getting a stock quote: the consumer passes in a stock symbol and gets back the stock's current price.
Later, we show you how StockBot leverages this method to hit your stock quote Web service.
Figure 2 shows how the consumer USES the UDDI service to find the stock quote providers' endpoints and invoke one of them. The process works as follows.
In another instance a policy checks the time-to-live value from a stock market price quote to see if it can respond to a request from the stock value stored in the service database.
在另外一个例子里,策略从一个股票价格行情的引用里检查time - to - live的值,由这个值决定是否从服务数据库里获取股票价格来响应请求。
To start the scenario, first create the Web service, which is a sample stock quote service.
Task 5: Create a PHP code module that will contain the Web service SOAP client code for a remote stock quote Web service.
Figure 12 shows an example of a service reference definition for the Stock Quote service described in the previous section.
On the client side, a service requestor makes a request for a quote, using some form of web service engine to interact with a service provider.
在客户机端,服务请求者请求报价,使用某种形式的Web 服务引擎与服务提供者进行交互。
SQS-interface.wsdl -- WSDL service implementation description for a stock quote service
SQS-interface.wsdl ―股票报价服务的 WSDL 服务实现描述
This web service takes as input a stock symbol (for example, IBM or YHOO) and returns a time-delayed stock quote in US dollars.
Simple services, like stock quote services or temperature services with no quality of service guarantee and available at no charge.
Essentially, in order to perform that activity, the WSFL engine must issue a Web service request to some stock quote service located somewhere out on the network.
The example is everyone's favorite service example, a stock quote service. To jazz it up a little, I make the following three types of information available.
In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.
It provides basic business functions, such as a stock-quote service or a calculator service.