If you're asking yourself why, the answer is fairly simple and that's ease of use, plus a continuously falling price and sky high capacity.
No launch dates have been announced yet but it is likely to be adopted by a select few manufacturers as prices are expected to be sky high for such memory modules.
He offered the story to Richard Grozier, the Post’s general manager and assistant publisher, telling him, “How would you like to have a story blowing him up sky high?”
The cellar lay directly underneath the House of Lords, and over the following months 36 barrels of gunpowder were moved in, enough to blow everything and everyone in the vicinity sky high, if ignited.
The wind itself had ceased and a brilliant, deep blue sky arched high over the moorland.
After the election, prices went sky-high.
The moon's round orb would shine high in the sky, casting its velvety light on everything.
Over the past year, sky-high fuel prices have focused minds on efficiency like never before.
If the Great Depression is any guide, we may see a drop in our sky-high divorce rate.
The photographer who risks his life from sky - high buildings to take incredible photos of the world below.
As the IPO market slowly opens up, the pressure is on to show a profit — particularly for those that received such sky-high valuations.
A new study shows that they do it quickly and under their own steam, without the help of upslope tailwinds thought to loft them over the sky-high peaks.
Although fierce competition has driven down the cost of mobile calls within national borders to a few cents a minute, the cost of using a mobile phone abroad is still sky-high.
One man thought he was justbantering with his pals when he joked about blowing an airport sky-high.
Why you should skip it: When you know you can have only one plateful, chances are you will pile it sky-high.
The obstacles they are confronted with range from complex and sometimes nonsensical regulation to pot-holed roads, inadequate cold-storage facilities and sky-high prices for property.
No sweatpants or sneakers for beyonce when she's off the red carpet - the star favors sky-high heels and impeccable hair and makeup.
On my darker days, though, I tend to think it's because young people have sky-high expectations (which are soon dashed) and older people have learned to live with their lot, however uninspiring it is.
Softbank's shares, he said, "go sky-high and to hell all the time."
Indeed, deciding whether these firms and their sky-high fees are justified is difficult because the bankruptcy trade is in uncharted territory.
EVEN sky-high prices have done little to inject much in the way of mystique or glamour into the dull world of commodities.
The results were limited competition, little innovation and sky-high prices.
All the bond bears have been dead wrong in predicting sky-high mortgage rates.
Every week, one of the new generation of Internet firms seems to attract a sky-high valuation.
Every week, one of the new generation of Internet firms seems to attract a sky-high valuation.