The repeat patterns in the smoke made lots of people smell a rat and it turned out that Hajj had even copied some of the buildings.
Didn’t you smell a rat when they agreed to sell you the goods at such a price?
The teacher did not smell a rat until he found Jack kept looking towards at the window instead of at his own paper.
For the past two weeks residents living around China's second largest lake have been able to smell a rat—make that two billion rats.
The scientist started to smell a rat when the visitor, who claimed to be a tourist, began to ask some very specific questions about the research work he was engaged in.
We'd assumed we'd have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scene on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn't necessary.
We'd assumed we'd have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scene on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn't necessary.