But like I said, it's still undecided as it's quite something to think about.
AMD's recently released Open CL drives has given us something to think about.
It refreshes our mind and gives us something to think about in new and exciting ways.
Something to think about for those who feel that purification rituals bring them closer to God.
You still have something to think about, to talk about, after four weeks of watching the FIFA World Cup.
So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter.
She was quiet for the next few minutes. Then she looked up and in a small voice gave me something to think about.
Those were the great days of opera in New York, and it gave a fellow something to think about for the rest of the week.
But it's something to think about — especially around this time of year, when wise men once again come bearing stock tips.
When our speech reflects truth, truth will sink deeper into our hearts - and perhaps give others something to think about as well.
Why did he wave to me? 'so he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter.
I'd like to reach out to writers, to everybody that's out there that feels like they're alone, and give them something to think about.
Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of tooth picks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.
And in closing, here's something to think about - as soon as it is over, whatever we did, whatever we had - no matter how amazing or satisfying it is - is just a memory, just a thought.
Just think about the last time you used your own money to do something for someone else.
If you ask a staff member about something, and they don't think they can help you enough, they'll direct you to our specialist.
Psychologists have recently focused on the tendency to think about something other than the task one is doing.
I just want you to think about something.
I often read for about an hour, and then I try to think of something else to do.
I do think it is time for us to understand the importance of protecting the environment and do something about it.
The ultimate issue is your ability to think about and conceptualize 'something to say' and once you have done that, find the language that allows you to say it most directly and elegantly.
Well, when you want to do something for yourself, you don't have to think about your family if you are a single.
During the tests, a driver was always on board in case something went awry, but it's still amazing to think about.
When asked about giving people ideas, one of the characters noted that it is easy - just tell them to not think about something, like don't think about an elephant.
In fact, whenever we try not to think about something that something gets trapped in the mind, stuck in the recursive loop of self-consciousness.
He asked attendees to ponder whether or not this would benefit hotels — something for the industry to think about.
Then, when you want to leave the conversation, say something like,"Thanks for that perspective." Or "I'll have to think about that," and walk away or change the subject.
Then, when you want to leave the conversation, say something like,"Thanks for that perspective." Or "I'll have to think about that," and walk away or change the subject.