The F-35 is a supersonic, multi-role, 5th generation stealth fighter.
这架F - 35是一种超音速,多用途,第五代隐形战斗机。
The Stealth Fighter and the Cadillac show-car both have a menacing and precise nature.
China's J-20 stealth fighter made its first public appearance at an air show in Zhuhai.
中国的J - 20隐形战斗机在珠海航展上首次公开亮相。
China has showcased its long-awaited J-20 stealth fighter in public for the first time.
期待已久的歼- 20隐形战机首次在中国公开亮相。
The engineers' goal was to determine whether the so-called stealth fighter was truly radar resistant.
The Pentagon is sending a total of 16 stealth fighter jets next year to a Marine Corps base in Japan.
China has staged a second test flight of its new stealth fighter jet in its latest display of military strength.
Russia's Sukhoi T-50 prototype stealth fighter made its maiden flight last year and is due to enter service in about four years.
俄国的苏霍伊t - 50隐形战机原型去年刚进行了首次试飞,预计将在4年后服役。
America is the only nation to produce an operational stealth fighter jet, and Russia is the only other country to even test one.
Chinese J-20 is a type of new multirole strike stealth fighter jet that was designed to counter American F-22, not a type of bomber.
中国的J - 20是一款新式的、多用途的、攻击型隐形喷气式战斗机。这款战斗机就是设计用来对抗美国F - 22的,而不是一款轰炸机。
Over the last few days imagery of what is claimed to be China's new stealth fighter has appeared on a range of Chinese Internet sites.
The J-20 is likely five years from deployment. Its radar-evading ability is unknown, and probably no match for the operational US F-22 stealth fighter.
歼- 20可能在五年后部署,它的隐身能力尚不清楚,可能无法达到美国F - 22隐形战机的水平。
That's why the new WZ-10 attack helicopter was delayed nearly a decade, and why there appear to be two different prototypes for the J-20 stealth fighter.
这正是新WZ - 10攻击直升机推迟了近十年面世的原因,也是J - 20隐形战机有两个不同原型机的原因。
Analysts believe the J-20 stealth fighter will have the radar-evading capability of fifth-generation fighters produced by the U.S., like the F-22 and F-35.
分析人士相信,J - 20隐形战斗机拥有像美国F -22和F - 35这样的五代战斗机一样的反雷达功能。
Shows the Chinese persistence whether in exploding the nuclear bomb or the first flight of Stealth fighter to reach that status of one among of the firsts.
The F-117 Nighthawk "stealth fighter" is another plane which isn't prone to vapor, but it still put on a great display in spite of its relatively low speed.
这架f- 117夜鹰“隐形战斗机”是另一架飞机是不容易蒸气,但仍上演这样伟大的显示器,尽管其相对较低的速度。
It is the J-20, a radar-evading jet fighter that has the same two angled tailfins that are the trademark of the Pentagon's own stealth fighter, the F-22 Raptor.
20是一款可规避雷达的喷气式飞机,拥有与五角大楼的隐形飞机F - 22“猛禽”一样的标志型双v型垂直尾翼。
Just ask the designers of the Pentagon’s F-35 stealth fighter and the U.S. Navy’s San Antonio-class amphibious ships. Both have been nearly sidelined by engine woes.
Just ask the designers of the Pentagon’s F-35 stealth fighter and the U.S. Navy’s San Antonio-class amphibious ships. Both have been nearly sidelined by engine woes.