The opposition proved too strong for him.
The wind that made such waves however, might have been too strong for the pterosaurs to control their flight once airborne.
His body is too strong for me!
The lure of money is strong for those who are greedy for wealth, but weak for those who regard material wealth as dung.
Is Israel too strong for Barack Obama?
I pushed all my emotions aside and was strong for him.
When my son first became sick, the doctors told me I had to be strong for him.
People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.
Gold has gone up for 10 years in a row, and silver has been very strong for the last year.
Perhaps, as a Taurus, she was too strong for George; she had never given him any responsibility.
He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
Rumei: I love the forests, rocks and lakes in the paintings. But the colours are a bit too strong for me.
It's been going strong for around four-point-five billion years, and will probably keep burning for about five.
I think that's a bit strong for a company simply withdrawing support and resources from a free piece of software.
Then, as you face temptations that are too strong for you to resist, remember he is with you and turn them over to him.
Whether the relationship is new or has been gong strong for a while everyone wants to feel especially loved on February 14.
Men like him had kept the Order strong for centuries, but the master had many times counseled that their usefulness was waning.
The answer is that you can't: Once you're within a few nanometers, atomic repulsion forces become too strong for you to get any closer.
They begin to ignore warning signals, pushing prices to unsustainable levels in the belief that stocks will remain strong for decades to come.
It is hard to be precise about when the friendship began, but a reasonable guess is that it has been going strong for more than 20, 000 years.
In a community like this, which is quite a poor community, people are going back to get some sort of training and work, and these areas are strong for us.
My whole being will exclaim, 'who is like you, o Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.'
Since the accident I've spoken to other moms who've lost a child, and they usually say that they needed to stay strong for the children they still have.
'at first I resolved not to disturb you with such a useless piece of information,' said he. 'However, our impulses are too strong for our judgment sometimes.
Saturn has been retrograde since December 31, but as I mentioned briefly earlier, Saturn will turn direct on May 16 and will stay strong for the rest of 2009.
Demand is strong for steel piping in the North American oil and gas industry, but regulators will study the deal to see if there are any implications for energy security.
Demand is strong for steel piping in the North American oil and gas industry, but regulators will study the deal to see if there are any implications for energy security.