At Futang hydropower station, the cylinder restricted surge tank is 31.
The development of the throttled surge tank has been introduced systematically.
Therefore, the differential surge tank with interconnecting holes arranged is rational and feasible.
The location of the tailrace surge tank is one of the main factors effecting on guaranteed regulation.
The vertical surge tank (VST) is an H2S service vessel designed to store liquid hydrocarbon after separation.
The calculating method of section of the well and the effective impedance hole in the surge tank has been gived.
This flow of fuel causes the jet pumps to remove the fuel from the surge tank and the bottom of the wing tank outer cell.
The paper mainly introduced the construction method for anchor cable with large-angle upward hole in tailrace surge tank.
Installing air surge tank in pressure water system is a new and economically efficient measure to prevent water hammer accident.
This paper researched the feasibility of using construction diversion tunnel to optimize the figure of tail surge tank by model test.
The theoretic calculating method of the maximum and the minimum water level in the differential surge tank has been derived firstly .
The paper is based on the basic formula of surge tank, in which the formula of the surge in the ideal design surge tank has been derived.
The force bearing state of long corridor of surge tank is computed. The computing formulae of crack width and reinforcement rate are given.
In this paper, It new way of the design of surge tank is presented, and some related calculations of the hydraulic system design are given in detail.
For air-cushioned surge tank, most of the qualitative considerations are that the safe-depth should be greater than that of general surge tank at present.
It is composed of the circulating water loop in constant temperature, surge tank, solenoid valves, flow regulating valve, electronic scale and control units.
By combining the theory of aerodynamics with water hammer equation and wave equation of surge tank a mathematical model for this type of surge tank is established.
Based on the governing system mathematical models which take the surge tank water level oscillation into account, the governing system dynamic performance in discussed.
Based on thoma supposition and basic equations of surge tank, a few formulas were proposed for the stable sectional area of tailrace surge tank on complicated tailrace system.
Usually, in the high head hydroelectric power station where long channel has been used as a water conveyance structure one surge tank and one penstock may serve more than one machine.
Based on analytical method, the paper shows that raising the length of a riser can elevate the water-hammer pressure and reduce the fluctuation of water level effectively in surge tank.
The effect of sectional area of surge tank on stability of turbine regulation system has been analyzed by using the mathematic model of the non dimensional parameters of the whole system.
Surge Tank is a key part of hydropower station, and has huge volume and complicate load and boundary condition, which is embedded in the rock mass, so it belongs to underground structure.
The converging type or shape of conduits of tailrace surge tank of multi-unit system is of important influence on flow conditions and head losses, therefore it deserves atterntion in design.
The effect of turbine characteristic on stable sectional area of surge tank can be expressed by the synthetic characteristic coefficient of turbine, it shows the effect of turbine efficiency.
Chapter 3: Present the theory of the analysis of stability and computation on regulation process to the system of hydropower station with surge tank of many units sharing in one tailrace tunnel.
Engineering practices show that lining hanging concrete in time is an important technique to make sure of the construction safety of large-scale surge tank project at complex geologic condition.
The explicit method for calculating surges in throttled surge tank and simple tank following load rejection has been derived by use of Thaler Series Expansion from the basic formulation of surge tank.
In the case of liquid tank carriage scaled in motion its accuracy is likely affected by the surge of liquid in tanks.
In the case of liquid tank carriage scaled in motion its accuracy is likely affected by the surge of liquid in tanks.