If either investor was to take their stakes to 30 percent, he would have to make an offer for the remaining shares in Arsenal Holdings.
Stan Kroenke, an American property magnate who married into the Wal-Mart retail dynasty, now owns 63% of Arsenal Football Club and is to make an offer for the rest.
I know it's uncommon to offer a high school student this volunteer job, but I hope that you can make an exception for me, and I'll prove myself.
I tell you, Nicky, these Japanese guys, they take a little, thin slice from the tail, hold it to the light, look at it for a minute, then make an offer.
And to create the holding company they will need an exemption from having to make a mandatory tender offer for all shares from France's Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
Give your candidates an opportunity to offer any further information that they feel is necessary for you to make a decision and to ask questions about your firm or about the job.
Trying to offer TDD as an algorithm generator is dopey and it's just going to make it easy for people not to take TDD seriously as a valid design technique.
In one study, researchers asked participants to shop for a new car, then make an offer to buy it.
But is the employer who did make you an offer willing to wait that long for your decision?
Before the actual foreclosure, you make an offer to buy the property for less than the mortgage loan.
Thank you for your inquiry, but we cannot make you an offer right now because we are presently unable to obtain appropriate materials.
References to irrevocable commitments to accept or reject an offer must make it clear if there are circumstances in which they cease to be binding, for example, if a higher offer is made.
"I had received an offer from Udinese this summer, but my objective is to try to make a name for myself at Juventus and stay here as long as possible," he told Sky Sport Italia.
Michael Owen is looking for a lucrative free transfer in the summer and has told his Newcastle team-mates he is hoping for Liverpool, Manchester City or Everton to make him an offer he cannot refuse.
Task 3. Determine if the table is an adequate means for deciding on the wheel configuration and offer other Suggestions as to how to make this decision.
This paper discussed that how to use the electronical resource of the library to make an offer of consultation for the contribution of medical paper.
He must make the payments he has failed to hand over, pay an extra fifth as well, and give it to the priest. The priest shall offer the ram as a sacrifice for the man's sin and he will be forgiven.
In our offer, we shall make it our business to charge you the lo west possible price for any quantity you may require, in order to give you an entire satisfaction and to retain your customs.
And with more candidates already scheduled for interviews, they're not likely to make you an offer yet.
Fiszman is seriously ill with cancer. Once that agreement was made, Kroenke had an interest in more than 30 per cent of the shares and so was obliged to make a full offer for the club.
Also, I realize it may seem foolish to make such an offer to one who cost my Son his life, but I now have a great love and an unchangeable forgiveness in my heart for you.
For example, you can offer to babysit so your partner can get to the gym or take over the chores before an important meeting, and these contributions make the relationship stronger.
We focus on one great thing and offer it at an unbeatable price to make things simple for you. Come back several times and you'll find something that's impossible to refuse.
Broadly speaking, the functions of a business letter may be said to be to ask for or to convey information, to make or to accept an offer to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business.
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