The 10 topics that a venture capitalist cares about are
One Silicon Valley venture capitalist questioned my decision.
Here's how to assess your readiness to become a venture capitalist.
As a venture capitalist, Mr Romney created jobs as well as destroying them.
Johann Fust, a local venture capitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 1450.
Managing risk is not the exclusive dominion of bankers and venture capitalist.
At a meeting in Oakland, Sharenow asked Lenk to pretend he was meeting a venture capitalist.
在奥克兰的一次会面上,Share now让Lenk当做是再和一位风险资本家会面。
First, a rare moment of Guy-Kawasaki humility: I am by no means "proven" as a venture capitalist.
Every venture capitalist, Web publisher, and digital marketer is hyper-aware of these three trends.
This could be a direct result of the rapid growth in Chinese and Indian venture capitalist activity.
With NeXT failing, Jobs might have written his memoirs or become a venture capitalist like many before him.
Rather than being a hard-nosed venture capitalist, he is more like a financial father-figure to young entrepreneurs.
Fred Wilson, a prominent venture capitalist, said he had watched the trend accelerate over the last six to nine months.
The programme was founded in 2004 by Catherine Rohr, a venture capitalist who changed careers after visiting several Texas prisons.
Since quitting Wall Street in 2000 to become a venture capitalist, Buyer has been low-profile--but she's active in the world of startups.
Indeed one of the main, and underappreciated, functions of foreign investment in China has been to play venture capitalist to domestic entrepreneurs.
After all, as a venture capitalist it is imperative to understand ways in which a smaller private company can gain the upper hand on a large incumbent.
Steve Jobs of Apple said it was "as big a deal as the PC" and John Doerr, a venture capitalist, mused that it would be "bigger than the Internet".
They can decide not to buy the book at all,” said David Pakman, a venture capitalist and former chief executive of the digital music store eMusic.
Matt Cohler, a former Facebook vice President who is now a venture capitalist with Benchmark capital, epitomizes Facebook's clubby extended family.
Such environments provide “anonymity along with a lack of social recourse,” notes, a venture capitalist at Trinity Ventures in California's Silicon Valley.
加洲硅谷TrinityVentures 的风险投资人Gus Tai注意到这些的环境提供了“由于匿名而无法进行社会追踪”。
Many people are asking: Will Internet analyst Mary Meeker be savvy enough at spotting brand-new businesses to succeed as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley?
If you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don't have a business. The ten topics that a venture capitalist CARES about are.
She told the women that the shorter men included a doctor, a best-selling author, a champion skier, a venture capitalist who'd made millions by the age of 25.
My experience as entrepreneur, entrepreneur educator, and venture capitalist tells me that the more scarce and valuable commodity is cold-shower-self-honesty.
Venture capitalist and millionaire Jon Moulton revealed that Fox approached him after the general election seeking funds for a company, Pargav, set up by Werritty.
Venture capitalist and millionaire Jon Moulton revealed that Fox approached him after the general election seeking funds for a company, Pargav, set up by Werritty.