After you press the button, the elevator then takes you to outer space.
But the car boots up and shuts down a lot faster than a computer when you press the button.
If you witness some threat or if the child feels some danger in any situation, he can press the SOS button.
It could purr along like any luxury car or, at a press of the ubiquitous sport button, growl loudly as you disappear down the road.
In any unsafe situation, simply press the button, and a highly trained agent will get you the help you need.
In any unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.
When you view a work, there will be a button you can press saying, "Click here to send the artist one dollar".
It's like telling someone, "Hey, if you press this button, you'll get a treat, but also a bonk on the head."
IE 8 can't display most web pages correctly until you give up and press the "ACT LIKE IE7" button.
You can now press the Volume Up button to snap a picture; it falls exactly where a real camera's shutter button would be.
When you're done speaking, you have to press the button yet again to signal the end of the query (tap).
Dragging seems to work fine, but some of the button presses aren't recognized unless you press really hard.
So the kind of experiment that we did, let's imagine your mind-magnet you are sitting there, you are looking through little parscope that the screen you can respond with a button press.
You press one button, and hundreds of parallel graphics computing cores produce the effect of vastly detailed 3D worlds.
This style is fragile if we want to change the effects of a button press, say to log the timestamps also. You might achieve this by inheritance.
To deliver the failed events, you select the failed events that you want to resubmit and then press the resubmit button.
In more complicated scenarios, you might want to interpret the expected operational behavior of a button press based on coordinating more available information.
For those of you who do any shopping online, this is precisely why you see warnings not to press the order submit button more than once or else you'll end up with multiple charges on your credit card.
If you need to respond to an offensive email, carefully 'draft the mail, read through it, and press the send button only after (you have) calmed down, ' suggests Mr. Venkataramana.
The Voice Memos app works as advertised. You press a button and the app records whatever reaches the microphone.
Once you have your pace set, just press the start button and get to your run.
Alternately, you can press and hold the button and release it when you're done speaking.
Get in that elevator, press the button to the floor that you know you keep avoiding..
As a timepiece, it's comparable to digital watches circa 1978: the screen is usually in a black, juice-conserving state, so to check the time you need to press the power button.
You press a button and your family picture is up on the flat-screen TV set on the wall.
To make this work, use the partial metering mode (or spot metering mode) over the subject where you want to lock the flash output then press the asterisk (*) button.
If you have a long-running database query for example that's triggered by a button press, you can simply increase the time paused after the button event has been issued.
Since aperture is the main event in aperture priority mode, you may not need to press the aperture button; simply rotate the command dial and look for the changing Numbers in the LCD status screen.
If you make the changes to the page, reload, and press the button repeatedly, you'll see that the text field is updated each time.
If you make the changes to the page, reload, and press the button repeatedly, you'll see that the text field is updated each time.