• 我们没有介绍尼罗·沃尔夫

    We haven't been introduced. My name is Nero Wolfe.


  • 加尔各答,他们就睡大街上或是人力车里,一个萨达尔管理车库修理店宿舍组合区域 dera 里

    Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination of garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar.


  • 那里,开始吉姆·克拉克会面吉姆·克拉克硅谷著名企业家之一。

    Once he got there, he started to have meetings with a man called Jim Clark, who was one of the Valley's most famous entrepreneurs.


  • 天,他儿子很远的地方去寻宝。

    One day, he asked his son to go to a faraway place to find some treasure.


  • 身上观察一种过性病原体的病毒很少诱发恶性肿瘤中恢复过来

    As observed with the chickens, the filterable agent, a virus, could seldom be recovered from the malignant tumor which it had induced.


  • 小猫很讨人喜欢的,每次我们屋里一声,有点先声夺人的味道,然后原地不动

    Every time we get to the room, she always first shouts, showing her existence, and then squats in the place.


  • 他们意识什么一个父亲养育一家人

    They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family.


  • 时间以前的事情了……知道一个呱呱作家,坡——翻译的作品,就是为了使感觉自己个正常人。

    It was such a long time ago... You know, he's a chilling writer, poe-i translated him just so that I could feel like I was normal.


  • 之所以虚报低价法是因为我才意识卖给那个小伙子就是这种方法。

    I call it the Low-Blow approach, because I just realised the guy who sold me my car used it on me.


  • 知道一个呱呱作家,坡——翻译的作品,就是为了使感觉自己正常人

    You know, he's a chilling writer, poe-i translated him just so that I could feel like I was normal.


  • 爬上漂亮的马(名字露西)我内心感觉特别

    The minute I mounted that pretty horse (her name was Lucy) I felt something special inside of me.


  • 天夜晚偷偷打电话店里送一个比萨饼治疗所,以为没有人知道,结果给治疗所的经理抓住

    One night she quietly phoned out to order a pizza thinking nobody would know, but she got caught by the fat farm manager.


  • 天夜晚偷偷打电话店里送一个比萨饼治疗所,以为没有人知道,结果给治疗所的经理抓住

    One night she quietly phoned out to order a pizza thinking nobody would know, but she got caught by the fat farm manager.


  • 仍有人其他人地势较高的地方去,人们 惊慌失措着。

    There are more calls to get to higher ground, and people are running helter skelter.


  • 我隔着间玻璃房的一对英国夫妇黑暗自己的房间,只好手机打电话柜台服务员帮忙

    The British couple two igloos down couldn't find their igloo in the dark, either, and had to call the reception desk from their cellphone for assistance.


  • 渐渐意识制度化学校教育不过是个用顺从交换偏爱优势地方老师哪就坐哪,老师开口才能开口记住老师记住的东西。

    Institutionalized schooling, I gradually realized, is about obedience in exchange for favors and advantages: Sit where I tell you, speak when I allow it, memorize what I've told you to memorize.


  • 圣诞节时候报纸上弄了一个什么玩意今年烂的展览

    At Christmas there was a thing in the newspaper: what's the worst exhibition of the year?


  • 一种机制通过使用备份,并前事务日志,使数据库恢复最近状态,这种机制恢复

    The second restores to the most recent state, using a combination of full backup plus rolling forward the transaction log, called rollforward recovery.


  • 完全没有意识自己小时它的名字——那里咕咕

    I spent an hour calling his name un-self-consciously - who was there to hear me cooing?


  • 但是莫迪透露塔鲁尔的孙南达普什卡朋友,他又是一个谦虚成功销售专家他拿今后工作价值不菲的赛股份

    But Mr Modi revealed that Sunanda Pushkar, a friend of Mr Tharoor's and a modestly successful marketing professional, had been allotted a valuable stake in the team against future work for it.


  • 萃西娅·拉莫尔的女士TACT访问,她是当地电台“ 1010 WINS ”的第一位女记者。

    One day, a woman named Patricia Lahrmer, from 1010 WINS, a local radio station, came to TACT to do an interview.


  • 他们道:“一下,个电话要”,等他们意识正在发生什么,都表现得相当惊讶

    They said 'wait, I've just got to get this call' but they were pretty surprised when they realised what was happening.


  • 这样母鸡不好家里咯咯,却别家去下蛋。

    It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another's.


  • 1827年,纽约州西部史密斯幻视莫罗尼天使,后者讲述了关于黄金的故事。

    In western New York state in 1827, Smith had a vision in which an angel named Moroni told him about engraved golden plates.


  • 肉果,也做木苹果,也加锡弥罗果一种南美当地常青树果实,并且引入包括西非东南亚在内的许多地区

    Mammee Apple, Mamey Apple or Santo Domingo Apricot is an evergreen tree, native to South America, which was introduced to various other regions of the world including West Africa and South East Asia.


  • 告诉朋友们计划一直单身65岁再娶个老婆因为那时候我无法避免浴室摔倒有个人帮我打电话救护车

    I told friends my new plan was to stay single until I was 65, at which point I'd need a wife to call the ambulance when I'd inevitably slip in the shower.


  • 信使RNA分子将指令传递一个核糖体的细胞结构上,核糖体再根据指令制造蛋白质

    The RNA messenger molecules relay them to structures known as ribosomes that read them and make proteins accordingly.


  • 童女那里,已经许配大卫一个约瑟,童女名字马利亚

    To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.


  • 法案波及位名艾伦·贝克的,艾伦·贝克认为加州大学医学院拒绝入学申请是因为他是一名白人

    It involved Allan Bakke, who believed he had been refused admission to a University of California medical school because he was white.


  • 明天这时候,重大冰雹降下自从埃及开国以来,没有这样的冰雹。

    Therefore, at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt, from the day it was founded till now.


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