• 一个异性恋还是同性恋无关紧要。

    It doesn't matter whether people are heterosexual or homosexual.


  • 法官歧视同性恋的行为应该受到谴责

    The judge said that discrimination against homosexuals is deplorable.


  • 人工流产同性恋权利问题含糊其辞。

    He has waffled on abortion and gay rights.


  • 他们威胁关闭任何上演同性恋角色戏剧剧院

    They threatened to close any theatre presenting a play with gay characters.


  • 重要的是同性恋证实了他们时尚的引导者。

    More importantly, gays have proved themselves to be style leaders.


  • 愤怒放言影射好莱坞一个同性恋黑手党”。

    He speaks with rage of insinuations that there's a "gay mafia" in Hollywood.


  • 该剧首部商业上获得成功公然描写同性恋作品

    The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.


  • 一些参议员表示担心塑造成会用暴力对待同性恋者的人。

    Some senators expressed concern about being portrayed as gay-bashers.


  • 男女同性恋权利团体石墙认为揭露同性恋身份是完全无用的。

    The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.


  • 大主教亨特豪森阐述了想法妇女同性恋积极地参与教堂事务。

    Archbishop Hunthausen also vocalized his beliefs that women and homosexuals should be more active in the church.


  • 他们其中的一个人登上小讲台开始当地人为什么同性恋应该允许征召入伍。

    One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.


  • 同性恋没有任何的憎恶,当然也不会谴责同性恋关系

    I'm not homophobic in any way and certainly don't condemn gay relationships.


  • 我们这样组织致力于消除同性恋憎恶种族歧视性别歧视。

    Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism.


  • 任何反对他们冠以种族主义者偏执狂同性恋憎恨者的污名。

    Anyone who opposes them is branded a racist, a bigot, or a homophobe.


  • 虽然许多认为同性恋关系会产生家庭估计,大约名男同性恋同性恋者中有一进入同性恋婚姻。

    Although many people do not think of homosexual relationships as resulting in a family, it has been estimated that about one of five gays and one of three lesbians enter a homosexual marriage.


  • 孩子同性恋他们感觉难以启齿,就像是父母的后尘不是命中注定

    If the children actually are gay, they may feel inauthentic, like they are following in their parents' footsteps rather than becoming who they intrinsically are meant to be.


  • 专家研究数据显示,不论哪里大部分(70%95%)性别混乱男孩长大后会变成同性恋

    Studies suggest that the majority of gender-variant boys will grow up to be gay men, with experts putting the figure at anywhere from 70 percent to 95 percent.


  • 对于我们而言,未婚同居公民联姻不是同性恋们的安慰因为我们法律依然禁止同性恋结婚

    For us, domestic partnerships and civil unions aren't a consolation prize made available to lesbian and gay couples because we are barred from legally marrying.


  • 那些认为只有不断反对主流社会才能堪称真正同性恋激进分子觉得同性恋同化前景令其震惊

    The kind of gay activists who think you can't be authentically gay unless you are permanently in opposition to the mainstream find the prospect of gay assimilation appalling.


  • 可能推测那些一个同性恋家人包容同性恋婚姻鲍威尔同性恋朋友可能动摇

    While you might presume that those with a gay family member were the most open to gay marriage, Powell says that people with gay friends are more likely to be swayed.


  • 没有在任何地方警察可以逮捕同性恋因为知道同性恋权利,”奥廷加今日肯尼亚首都内罗毕一次会议上

    "I did not say anywhere that the police will arrest the gays because I know of gay rights," Odinga said at a conference today in Nairobi, the capital.


  • 可能会发现人们之前会觉得同性恋或者同性恋根据他们自己找到线索所以准备解释之间的区别吧。

    You may find that people had previously assumed you were gay or lesbian, based on the clues they'd picked up - so be prepared to explain the difference!


  • 科研小组早期一个研究发现测试说话的流利程度时,同性恋异性者的表现要胜过女同性恋者与男异性恋者。

    An earlier study by the same team found gay men and straight women outperformed lesbians and straight men at tasks designed to test verbal fluency.


  • 科研小组早期一个研究发现测试说话的流利程度时,同性恋异性者的表现要胜过女同性恋者与男异性恋者。

    An earlier study by the same team found gay men and straight women outperformed lesbians and straight men at tasks designed to test verbal fluency.


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