• 许多了,”在内心里

    I’ve put coins in many times, ” my internal voice says.


  • 欧盟在内心里知道必须哈马斯进行谈判。

    Internally, the EU knows it must meet Hamas.


  • 这些引起了强烈的激动,然而在内心里

    These things strongly moved her but moved her all inwardly.


  • 这些引起了强烈的激动,然而在内心里

    These things strongly moved her, but moved her all inwardly.


  • 历经更多困难恐惧困惑后,我们成长很多在内心里

    Getting through more obstacles, fears, and puzzles will spark new growth on many levels, but above all in the hart area.


  • 在内心里却是温暖的,不再颤抖了,尽管衣服湿透了。

    But he felt warm inside himself. He did not shudder at all, though his clothes were sodden on him.


  • 自己这种不公平感受,逐渐在内心里演变成对于家庭之外种种不平之事强烈不满。

    My own sense of injustice developed within me an intense sense of the injustices happening outside my home.


  • 因此,一直在内心里保证说,‘我不会忘记你们的,我会讲述你们故事’。

    So I have been making a series of sacred promises: I will never forget you' and 'I will tell your story.'


  • 他们了罪恶的枝丫,并且修理的但是在内心里思想中一些东西生长

    They cut off the branch, and it is really trimmed up nicely, but there is still something underneath that is growing in the heart-in the mind.


  • 结果仅仅朋友们在内心里看作一个努力给别人留有印象罢了。

    The result merely is that his friends, in the privacy of their minds, set him down as a man who tries to make a good impression.


  • 小孩一起的时间太短,向你显示出,你已经在内心里正在接受一个角色做好了准备。

    It is embracing a role that your little boy, who was with you for all-too-brief a time, showed you that you were ready for - in heart and in soul.


  • 这就话人人可以说出口,但是在内心里有时只是逃避痛苦摆脱恋爱失败觉得丢脸借口

    Anyone can say "I am ready to love" but deep inside, it is just their excuse sometimes to save themselves from the pain and humiliation of coming from a failed relationship.


  • 但是一个只是在内心里说话不会产生控制肌肉信号大脑仅仅控制听觉部分活动

    But when a person simply thinks of a word instead of saying it, there are no muscle signals - just the activity in the parts of the brain involved in listening.


  • 熊猫在内心里和平主义种族重视艺术作诗唱歌虽然出于必要它们一支战士队伍

    Pandaren are at heart a pacifist race, emphasizing the fine arts such as poetry and singing, although out of necessity they do have a warrior sect.


  • 宁静时刻追忆似水流年太多东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。

    Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly.


  • 宁静的时刻追忆似水流年太多东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味

    Remembering the pasttimes in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasurecarefully, too many things to taste slightly.


  • 久久徘徊在内心里真挚声音灯光长长的身影深谷回旋呐喊使一步步陷入陷阱里

    It lingered a long time, including his most sincere voice, and that the long shadows under the lights, then swing the deep valley where the cry, make me a step by step into a love trap.


  • 基督山嘴上微笑,可在内心里发出了一声怒吼,要是维尔听到这个声音,一定会也似的逃走的。

    Monte Cristo with a smile on his lips, uttered in the depths of his soul a groan which would have made Villefort fly had he but heard it.


  • 我们在内心里嬉皮,后悔第一个儿子伊桑选择了这么一个正常的’名字-请帮我为第二个儿子取个名字!

    We're hippies at heart, and I regret choosing such a 'normal' name for my first son Ethan — help, please, for my second son!


  • 2000年2001年与师傅学习绘画时间里,开始潜心创作专辑,我在内心里寻找自己的创作主题

    While I was learning painting from 2000 to 2001, I started to concentrate on the creation of my new album, searching my heart for new themes of creation.


  • 例如广为人知白熊(粉红大象)案例里,努力去想起一个奇特具体想象事物,恰恰会在内心里强化事物的形象。

    In the popular example of a white bear or pink elephant, for example, trying not to think about an unusual and concrete object is the surest way to make that image stick in your mind.


  • 䐜--只要拥有财富,则必然能够生活造成极大不同,这一点谁不能否定所以经济如果一事无成,在内心里也就真的无可夸耀之处。

    There is no denying that possessing a good fortune can certainly make a big difference in life, thus the lack of economic success is not something to be proud of at heart.


  • 䐜--只要拥有财富,则必然能够生活造成极大不同,这一点谁不能否定所以经济如果一事无成,在内心里也就真的无可夸耀之处。

    There is no denying that possessing a good fortune can certainly make a big difference in life, thus the lack of economic success is not something to be proud of at heart.


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