• 想到既然这本书反映的是思想,那么只是一家之言别人说好说都不管而且平时喜欢胡思乱想,那名字叫“妄想者”吧。

    My idea was since it would reflect my thoughts which from single person criticism from others ain;t nothing also as I liked to think boundlessly why not name it “The Lunatic”.


  • 千万不要胡思乱想:事实证明两个孩子伦敦家里时还要健康

    But don't be paranoid: our children have both been healthier than they ever were in London.


  • 多少年来平平静静,现在却出了事;天空陆地海洋数千千万万,出事时候出头上……马那张叫人难以容忍的马脸在眼前浮现,驱散了胡思乱想

    There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that really happens happens to me…The almost unbearable memory of Maddens long horseface put an end to these wandering thoughts.


  • 看见当时一定胡思乱想吧。

    I didn't see it. I must have been dreaming.


  • 比赛第3盘打到4-3时,当时开始即将到手的冠军胡思乱想:“拿冠军后感觉怎么样

    And I think at 4?3 I started to think, "How will it be with the trophy?


  • 许多烦恼都是胡思乱想引起的。多么渴望心里轻松心情宁静

    Many troubles were caused by my own random thoughts, How I longed to have a light heart and be in a serene mood.


  • 好在接受道歉向她保证分离,再也胡思乱想了。

    Later I have known she's been ill. Fortunately for me, she accepted my apology and I promised her not to think anything stupid when were not together.


  • 有时脑子会胡思乱想。”,“如果好了怎样?如果考砸了,将来怎么办呢?”

    "Sometimes I have wild thoughts," she says. "If I do well, what will happen? If I fail, how will I plan for the future?"


  • 知道这样胡思乱想危险

    I know the danger of indulging such speculations.


  • 带着这种感觉觉得很不安全无力去做一个称职的妻子妈妈知道一定自己的胡思乱想就是禁不住这么想。

    I do not feel safe or in any way able to function as a wife and mother with this feeling, and I know that it must be a misperception on my part, but I cannot help but feel this way.


  • 就那样一个人傻傻的坐在电脑发着胡思乱想着!

    I so an individual is silly to sit sillyly hair before computer foolish, entertain foolish ideas!


  • 什么不会相信的。你胡思乱想呢。

    I'm not going to believe whatever you say. You are having a delusion.


  • 时间胡思乱想下去因为房门被突然打开了

    I didn't have time to think about it any longer as the door to the room suddenly opened.


  • 床上或者睡椅就是几个小时,除了胡思乱想无所事事,这种生活真要把

    Lying in bed or on the couch for hours on end, with nothing to do but think drove me mad.


  • 为什么密闭房间或者一个时候就会害怕胡思乱想帮帮

    Why be airtight room when me or a person when am I met very fear to meet cranky who can help me?


  • 由于功课忙社会活动多,的侄子没有多余时间胡思乱想

    What with doing the housework and the shopping, I never have a moment to spare.


  • 以前也一直说,要是真想好好画画,就不要成天胡思乱想掉进别人情网

    Yes, and I always told you that if you would paint and work at it as you should, instead of making fantasies and falling in love with other people.


  • 开始胡思乱想——刹车失灵乡村屋里养的那山羊妻子

    My mind wanders - brake failure, my young children, the few goats I keep at my rural home, my wife.


  • 希望自己勇敢点,再漂亮点,或者幸福开心,只是胡思乱想因为的生活总是一成不变

    I wish I was braver and prettier or just happy, but it's useless to dream, because nothing ever changes.


  • 现在公开宣布了:喜欢,是变成了一个温暖而舒适的小窝。可以整个下午的时间做饭胡思乱想

    It's time to publicly acknowledge that I love the rain, how it transforms my house into a cozy caves where I can spend the afternoon cooking and dreaming.


  • 承认约会期间胡思乱想,对待你的态度合适强迫自己喜欢

    I confess that I had mixed thoughts during our date time. My attitude toward you was not proper. I made you do things that you don't like.


  • 胡思乱想没有遗忘对你的思念至死方休,因为的心永不改变。

    Don't take it the wrong way, I have not forgotten you. I'll carry you inside me until my dying day, for my heart will always remain true.


  • 了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理老年广阔天地,是可以大有作为

    I am old now. I may tend to go on about nothing, but I feel I know something about Truth: Old Age is a vast world, full of opportunity.


  • 今天感觉好多了,繁忙工作使精神集中下班感觉很累没有时间无聊胡思乱想

    Today I feel much better. Busy work makes me concentrate, also makes me feel tired after work. So I'm not so bored any more to think too much.


  • 今天感觉好多了,繁忙工作使精神集中下班感觉很累没有时间无聊胡思乱想

    Today I feel much better. Busy work makes me concentrate, also makes me feel tired after work. So I'm not so bored any more to think too much.


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