• 这样笑话容易渲染种族偏见

    Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.


  • 他们那些粗俗笑话使大为不快。

    She was offended by the vulgarity of their jokes.


  • 他们听了笑话一阵狂笑。

    They all guffawed at his jokes.


  • 把那些老掉牙笑话又说了一遍。

    He recycled all his old jokes.


  • 女孩子们让笑话逗得咯咯笑。

    The girls giggled at the joke.


  • 笑话使我们笑得前仰后合

    He had us all in fits (of laughter) with his jokes.


  • 总是千篇一律老掉牙的笑话

    He always comes out with the same tired old jokes.


  • 在讲演中插入了许多笑话

    He peppered his speech with jokes.


  • 认为笑话一点可笑。

    I didn't find the joke at all amusing.


  • 就是不能以前那样笑话

    I just couldn't laugh at his jokes the way I used to.


  • 听了笑话假装了。

    She smiled falsely at his joke.


  • 笑话笑死了。

    Her jokes really creased me up.


  • 人们听到某个庸俗笑话后便粗俗地笑了起来

    The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.


  • 笑话枯燥无味的演讲增添活跃的气氛。

    A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech.


  • 笑话糟糕我们发出不满的抱怨声。

    We all groaned at his terrible jokes.


  • 那个笑话这个古板正经得要命。

    You can't tell her that jokeshe's much too prim and proper.


  • 既讲故事笑话,把我们得乐了好几个小时。

    He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.


  • 笑话

    She's always cracking jokes.


  • 听了他们黄色笑话发笑又唱着他们吵闹的民谣。

    He laughed at their dirty jokes and sang their raucous ballads.


  • 种族笑话源于我们捉弄那些我们感到有威胁异族人。

    Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feel threatened by.


  • 那些女人们听到滑稽演员下流笑话后都放荡大笑起来。

    The women laughed coarsely at the comedian's vulgar jokes.


  • 那时辆大众牌汽车,讲着笑话谈论啤酒女孩

    He drove a Volkswagen, cracked jokes, and talked about beer and girls.


  • 会模仿各种不同口音,他笑话–他可以单口喜剧演员

    He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes – he could be a stand-up comic.


  • 在厕所墙壁上乱写笑话吗?

    Is it jokes scribbled on the washroom wall?


  • 他们笑话逗得捧腹大笑

    They roared at his jokes.


  • 通过笑话掩饰尴尬

    He tried to hide his embarrassment by telling jokes.


  • 父母会因对方笑话而笑

    My parents laugh at each other's jokes.


  • 喜欢分享娃娃,也喜欢笑话

    I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes.


  • 笑话有些牵强附会

    His jokes were somewhat farfetched.


  • 有时我们笑话

    Sometimes he tells us jokes.


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