• OBR财政大臣手中接下了财政经济预测的职责.

    The OBR takes fiscal and economic forecasts out of the hands of the chancellor of the exchequer.


  • 2009年全球经济展望:世界银行调整经济预测

    Global Economic Prospects 2009: Forecast update.


  • 经济预测意味着经济不景气风险正在加大

    It all means that the risk of a recession has increased, economic forecasters say.


  • 随着今年经济预测缩水,渐渐出现了经济衰退迹象

    Recession looms, with the economy projected to shrink this year.


  • 例如据说达林先生阻止四月的财政预算通过更为乐观的经济预测

    Mr Darling, for example, is said to have helped prevent the economic predictions in April’s budget from being even more fanciful.


  • 例如据说达林先生阻止四月财政预算通过更为乐观的经济预测

    Mr Darling, for example, is said to have helped prevent the economic predictions in April's budget from being even more fanciful.


  • 一些经济最近他们宏观经济预测可靠性变得非常谦逊

    Some economists are becoming newly humble about the reliability of their macro-economic forecasts.


  • 长久以来经济预测一直是个笑柄,信贷危机发生之后,笑声变得刺耳苦涩

    Economic forecasting is a long-standing joke, but the laughter has turned harsh and bitter in the wake of the credit crisis.


  • 如果这观点能够称之为宏观经济预测的话便是他们少有宏观经济预测之一。

    It's one of the few macroeconomic predictions you can get out of them, if you can even call it that.


  • 方法阐述马尔科夫模型原理通过实例说明药品经济预测中的应用

    METHOD: the principle of Markov model was expounded and its application in the forecasting of drug market was illustrated with examples.


  • 本月美联储会议之后伯南克首次召开记者招待会公布FOMC最新经济预测

    This month's Fed meeting will be followed by Mr Bernanke's first ever press conference and the publication of the FOMC's latest economic forecasts.


  • 传统看法似乎经济预测不可能的,那些经济预测者都在招摇撞骗

    The conventional wisdom seems to be that economic forecasting is impossible and that economic forecasters are charlatans.


  • 事实上考虑传统经济预测始终忽略了结构性突变这种预测不仅难度很大,也很有用。

    In fact, given that traditional economic forecasts miss structural breaks all the time, it is both difficult to achieve and useful.


  • 经济预测师们普遍预计,2010经济温和增长年,增幅为3%,大大此前

    The consensus of economic forecasters expects 2010 to be a year of modest economic growthalmost 3% — much better than the previous two years.


  • 白宫周四公布经济预测报告,预计今年就业人数每个月平均增加9.5万人,平均失业率为10%。

    The White House released its economic forecast Thursday, projecting payrolls will increase by an average of just 95,000 a month this year with the unemployment rate averaging 10%.


  • 上半年萧条,进而缓慢恢复”,这个直到最近还奉为标准经济预测可能令美联储今秋加息

    A first-half recession followed by a sluggish recovery-the standard forecast until recently-could well have enabled the Fed to raise rates in the autumn.


  • 欧盟经济预测根据英国法国德国意大利荷兰波兰西班牙七个国家经济数据做出的。

    The EU projections are based on data from seven countries - Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.


  • 预算责任办公室,名字也许有点冗长,但是财政大臣创立目的就是为了确保经济预测受各部门的干扰

    The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) may be cumbersomely named, but the chancellor’s worthwhile purpose in creating it was to ensure that forecasts are made without ministerial interference.


  • 预算责任办公室,名字也许有点冗长,但是财政大臣创立目的就是为了确保经济预测受各部门的干扰

    The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) may be cumbersomely named, but the chancellor's worthwhile purpose in creating it was to ensure that forecasts are made without ministerial interference.


  • 这些资源实例包括预算销售预测经济预测内部培训方案分析许多其他用来帮助管理者作出决策文件

    Examples of these resources include budgets, sales forecasts, economic forecasts, analyses of in-house training programs, and a host of other documents that help managers make decisions.


  • 上世纪70年代定期新年来临之际英国《金融时报》撰写的美国经济预测虽然常常极不准确,却赢得了大量的读者。

    His regular US economic forecasts for the Financial Times at the New Year during the 1970s were widely read if, often, wildly inaccurate.


  • 但是美联储造成这种趋势,公布这些经济预测阐明这些适用于现实,美联储推波助澜地指挥了这次超慢的经济复苏。

    But the Fed also shapes the trend, and by publishing these projections and stating that it's comfortable with them, the Fed is helping to orchestrate a too-slow recovery.


  • 然而他研究——将令人困惑的计算机辅助运算简单常识统统结合在一起——让相信应将经济预测完全归为骗术

    A heady mix of bewildering computer-assisted mathematics and straightforward common sense has convinced me that economic forecasting shouldn't be consigned to the realm of quackery quite yet.


  • 正如昨天提到的,美联储新的经济预测调低了本年(以及20122013年)增长预测,并且大幅上调2011年的整体通胀预测

    As I mentioned yesterday, the Fed's new economic projections revise down growth projections for this year (and for 2012 and 2013) and revise up headline inflation projections for 2011 substantially.


  • 今年很多澳大利亚确实可以开心的圣诞节 了。 一项经济预测报告显示,圣诞来临之际,澳大利亚很多公司金融危机抛之脑后,准备大花一笔办年终派对。

    Many Australians will really have a merry Christmas as more companies forget the financial crisis this holiday season and splash out on year-end parties, according to a business forecast.


  • 英国工业联合会(CBI)英国商会(British ChambersofCommerce)公布的季度经济预测报告显示,英国经济明年出现1991年上次经济衰退以来最严重的收缩

    Quarterly economic forecasts from both the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce indicate the U.K. economy next year will shrink at its fastest pace since 1991, when it was last in recession.


  • 专家预测经济复苏

    Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.


  • 专家预测经济复苏

    Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.


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