• 这种葡萄酒适合作佐餐酒

    The wine makes a good accompaniment to fish dishes.


  • 端上来都是加过很多香料的。

    Every dish was served heavily spiced.


  • 椰丝粉团一道克里奥尔

    Coconut Rice Balls is a creole dish.


  • 伊丽莎白·戴维兴奋地谈论普罗旺斯口味香气特色

    Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.


  • 香港美味的本地闻名

    Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes.


  • 欻拉声,油锅里。

    The vegetables dropped into the boiling oil with a sizzle.


  • 喜欢调制外国

    She enjoyed the concoction of foreign dishes.


  • 上来

    Here comes the dishes.


  • 懒得饭热麻烦了。

    I can't be bothered making a hot mealit's too much like hard work.


  • 椰子多种咖喱基本成分

    Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.


  • 已经做好给烤肉配饰

    She had finished the vegetables and was garnishing the roast.


  • 只需辣椒增加咖喱的辣味。

    You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies.


  • 道煨看上去令人作呕

    The stew looked revolting.


  • 做饭总是全份外加一道甜食

    When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert.


  • 饿接着了一份三道大餐

    Having said she wasn't hungry, she then proceeded to order a three-course meal.


  • 怀特尔德的生活读者看来越来越像是真的

    Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.


  • 我们午餐吃了五道,最后是咖啡薄荷糖

    We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints.


  • 这份单有受欢迎传统较为新奇的

    The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.


  • 晚餐是一道热,有鸡肉、小牛肉小羊肉可供选择。

    Dinner features a hot entrée of chicken, veal, or lamb.


  • 肝脏一种最爱,但我们供应因为那么多人不爱吃。

    Liver is a great favourite of his and we don't serve it often because so many people dislike it.


  • 城里其他街区为美食爱好者提供中国葡式希腊等多种选择

    Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese, Portuguese or Greek food.


  • 很快就准备好了。

    Soon the dishes were ready.


  • 丽丝喜欢印度和中国,她想学做美味的肴。

    Alice likes Indian food and Chinese food and she wants to learn to cook wonderful dishes.


  • 妈妈做的比我爸爸做的好吃。

    The dishes cooked by my mother are more delicious than those cooked by my father.


  • 们喜欢做新、给品拍照,然后发在我们的校报上。

    We love making new dishes, taking pictures, and then posting them on our school newspaper.


  • 里的不难做。

    The dishes here are not hard to cook.


  • 7人最多可点6道

    A group of 7 people can order 6 dishes at most.


  • 家餐厅的很贵,但味道很差。

    The food in this restaurant is quite expensive, but it tastes bad.


  • 们认为,做中国特别麻烦。

    Making Chinese dishes is seen as especially troublesome.


  • 是尝试法国的好机会。

    It's a good chance to try some French dishes.


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