• 他们决定拆掉机器从头再来。

    They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch.


  • 工厂工人逐渐机器取代

    Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines.


  • 合同明确规定可以操作机器

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.


  • 机器裸露着因此事故频仍

    Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent.


  • 该死机器怎么就是无法运行

    Damn this machine! Why won't it work?


  • 机器安装使用简单。

    The machine is a doddle to set up and use.


  • 机器零件摩擦发出刺耳声音。

    Parts of the machine were grinding together noisily.


  • 停下机器重新播放了那条消息

    He stopped the machine and replayed the message.


  • 每次更换产品,就重新装备机器

    Each time the product changes, the machines have to be retooled.


  • 机器发售各种饮料小吃

    The machine dispenses a range of drinks and snacks.


  • 机器至今尚没有确定价格

    No price point exists for the machine yet.


  • 这个软件机器上能用吗?

    Will the software run on my machine?


  • 现在助手演示机器运转情况。

    My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.


  • 这些机器夜以继日地运转着

    The machines are kept running night and day.


  • 美国农民使用机器收割谷穗

    American farmers use machines to pick the ears of corn from the plants.


  • 操作这种机器需要什么技能

    What skills are needed to operate this machinery?


  • 机器一坏工作便下来

    Work came to a halt when the machine broke down.


  • 同时完成收割脱粒的机器

    Machines that reap and thresh in one operation.


  • 很多机器闲置地下室里。

    Many of the machines are gathering dust in basements.


  • 扳动操纵杆,启动机器

    He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion.


  • 线路接错导致机器停止运转。

    A faulty connection caused the machine to stop.


  • 机器秒钟后自动启动

    The machine will start by itself in a few seconds.


  • 工厂机器昼夜轰隆作响。

    The factory's machinery pounded away day and night.


  • 要确保机器周围空气畅通

    Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine.


  • 这些土豆机器种植的。

    The potatoes are planted by machine.


  • 台旧机器依然状况良好

    The old machinery was still going strong.


  • 手卷机器里轧烂了。

    His hand was mangled in the machine.


  • 我们定期清洗修理机器

    We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine.


  • 机器是以风力推动的。

    The machine is worked by wind power.


  • 这部机器如何工作的?

    How does this machine work?


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