• 法老毕竟当作因而长生不死

    The pharaohs, after all, were considered gods and therefore immortal.


  • 这个故事以鹰形象出现

    In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle.


  • 毗瑟挐地上化身一位国王

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king.


  • 条河人格化成为一位

    The river was personified as a goddess.


  • 他们上祭品。

    They offered sacrifices to the gods.


  • 追随者们来说,是个一般的人物。

    To his followers he was a god.


  • 息阿觉得长笛吹得阿波罗好,便这位发出挑战

    Marsyas thought he could play the flute better than Apollo and challenged the god to a contest.


  • 我们讨论的是一个崇拜社会

    We are talking about a multi-deity society.


  • 同在知道快乐

    Make your peace with God, and then you'll see how happy you will be.


  • 西方客人通常不是

    In the west, generally the guest is not a god.


  • 愿意有的东西交换我们需要的。

    God offers to exchange what he has for what we have.


  • 人们认为法老

    The people thought that the pharaoh was a god.


  • 玛雅信奉许多

    The Maya believed in many gods.


  • 不是精灵

    God is not your genie.


  • 牧者

    God is my shepherd.


  • 一些学者认为耶和华最初一个部落——希伯来人崇拜认为比异教更优越

    Some scholars believe that Yahweh was originally a tribal deity—a god whom the Hebrews worshiped and considered superior to the pagan gods.


  • 宣传一相信转世再生

    He recommended monotheism but believed in reincarnation.


  • 这座教堂于1234年成为了址。

    The church was consecrated in 1234.


  • 他们德尔斐示所向请示

    They consulted the oracle at Delphi.


  • 想到这个主意

    The idea came to her in a vision.


  • 礼拜场所盗窃认为行为

    Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.


  • 讲话听得出了

    He listened to her, entranced.


  • 比赛中走

    I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race.


  • 令人愉快导游一周旅行守护

    A delightful guide was my guardian angel for the first week of the tour.


  • 保佑。”

    'May Bhagwan bless you,' he said.


  • 景色令人目眩迷。

    The view was dazzlingly beautiful.


  • 希腊话中宙斯用天鹅之引诱勒达。

    In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.


  • 人是

    Blessed are the poor.


  • 紧张得六无主

    She was so nervous, her insides were like jelly.


  • 法律授。

    The law was divinely ordained.


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