[ 复数 webs 第三人称单数 webs 现在分词 webbing 过去式 webbed 过去分词 webbed ]
另外还发现了 Coast 比较特别的一点,在访问网页的时候,随时可以呼出信任网络的选单,信任网络(Web of Trust)是一款计算网页安全指数的浏览器扩展,用户可以根据软件的评判或者自己判断来选择网页是否安全可信,不过这项功能会受...
...个概念后,它立刻根据思维关联去抓住另一个概念,这种思维关联是与由在大脑细胞中的(思维)印迹所组成的某种复杂的关联网(Web)是一致的。《文字机器》的作者Ted Nelson提出,“‘超文本’就是非顺序的写作文本,它是分叉的,允许读者在阅读时作选择。
Web design 网页设计 ; 网站设计 ; 网站建设 ; 网站设计要素
Charlotte's Web 夏洛特的网 ; 夏洛的网 ; 莎乐的神奇网网 ; 夏绿蒂的网
web page 网页 ; 万维网页
Web Browser 网页浏览器 ; 浏览器 ; 网络浏览器 ; 万维网浏览器
Web Server 网页伺服器 ; 服务器 ; 网页服务器 ; 网络服务器
Semantic Web 语义网 ; 语义万维网 ; 语义网络
spider web 蜘蛛网 ; 蜘蛛丝 ; 蛛丝 ; 比如蜘蛛网图
Web Services 网络服务 ; Web服务 ; 网路服务 ; 应用
World Wide Web [计] 万维网 ; 全球资讯网 ; 环球信息网 ; 全球信息网
The experiment result indicates that,intersection plates of folded web are supported each other and act as stiffeners,therefore,the ability of buckling of folded web is much better than that of normal plane web.
参考来源 - 折线形腹板工字钢梁试验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn"
同义词: entanglement
同义词: vane
"tangled in a web of cloth"
同义词: network
同义词: World Wide Web WWW
同义词: net
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PROPER The Web is a computer system that links documents and pictures into a database that is stored in computers in many different parts of the world and that people everywhere can use. It is also referred to as the World Wide Web. 互联网 [计算机] [oft N n]
The handbook is available on the Web.
She recommended the service on her Web journal after trying it out.
N-COUNT A web is a complicated pattern of connections or relationships, sometimes considered as an obstacle or a danger. 错综复杂的事物
He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
N-COUNT A web is the thin net made by a spider from a sticky substance that it produces in its body. 蜘蛛网
...the spider's web in the window.
I found the information on the Web.
You need an up-to-date Web browser.
The handbook is available on the Web.
And President George W.Bush's Scottie dog Barney had his own Web cam series on the White House Web site.
VOA: special.2009.02.23
Derrida, as I said, believes in a kind of seamless web of discourse or discursivity. We are awash in discourse.
but they can set up Internet. It gives them access to the information that is on the World Wide Web, so...