...步的数目,我们利用“双步数”,只数右脚落 地的一步,便可把步数减半。上面的例子双步数为90步。 7.目标偏测 ( AIMING OFF ) 利用指南针前进,把目标偏移,当到达目标的上面或 下面,才沿[扶手进入目标。
I go to give him a kiss - just a peck - and he veers off, jerking his head out of the way like a nervous racehorse, too late to alter my trajectory and pretend I was aiming for his cheek.
Oncologists and pharmaceutical researchers are studying ways to find and block those mutations, aiming to turn off the switch that sparks carcinogenesis.
Also I should stress that we are not aiming to let anyone off the hook. We are trying to create a framework that will allow everybody to commit.