...也许那就是我最好的光阴,而如今,是我最好的时代。 2017不必发问了,反正也没有什么需求回到十年前去修正的。All is well,一切都会降临(Arrival)的。 何天之衢,平安喜乐。
(在店客人功能选择)对话框用来选择对在店客人的操作(如图),该对话框与修改预订(Update Reservation)和到达者(Arrivals)功能选择对话框非常相似,接待员工同样可以进行修改预订(Edit Reservation)、查看客史资料(Profile),除此之外,接待员工还...
arrival notice 货物到达通知 ; [交] 到货通知 ; 到达 ; 到货通知书
arrival time [交] 到达时间 ; 抵达时间
port of arrival 到货港 ; 抵达港 ; 达到港
date of arrival 到达日期 ; 抵达日期 ; 运抵日期 ; 到达
cash on arrival 货到付现款 ; 货到 ; [贸易] 货到付现 ; [贸易] 货到付款
arrival at port 入港 ; 到港 ; 进港 ; 到达
advice of arrival 到货 ; 到货通知 ; [交] 货物运到通知 ; 抵港通知
NEW ARRIVAL 新品 ; 新品上市 ; 新品上架 ; 新款
estimated time of arrival [交] 预计到达时间 ; 估计到达时间 ; 预计到达日
In The Enigma of Arrival, after experiencing years of exile experience, he changed his view about the“other”, about the world.
参考来源 - 从《抵达之谜》看奈保尔对自我身份认同的不懈寻求The fifth chapter sum up seven designing methods: integral, continue, multiplicity, share, arrival, close to water and ecology.
参考来源 - 重庆主城区滨江开放空间环境景观研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-VAR When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, you can refer to their arrival. 到达
...the day after his arrival in Wichita.
He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital.
N-VAR When someone starts a new job, you can refer to their arrival in that job. 到任
...the power vacuum created by the arrival of a new president.
N-SING When something is brought to you or becomes available, you can refer to its arrival. 到达
I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
N-SING When a particular time comes or a particular event happens, you can refer to its arrival. 来临
He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a bout of drinking that nearly killed him.
N-COUNT You can refer to someone who has just arrived at a place as a new arrival. 到来者
A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.