Asplenium viride 绿柄铁角蕨
Asplenium prolongatum 长生铁角蕨 ; 长叶铁角蕨
Asplenium cheilosorum 齿果铁角蕨
Asplenium nidus 鸟巢蕨 ; 巢蕨
Asplenium pekinense 北京铁角蕨
Asplenium incisum 虎尾铁角蕨
Asplenium excisum 切边铁角蕨
Asplenium praemorsum 西南铁角蕨
Asplenium tripteropus 三翅铁角蕨
This might indicate that the living Sect. Asplenium is close related to A. changcaium and A. popovii.
因而,推断现生铁角蕨属铁角蕨组与A. changcaium、A. popovii关系最为密切。
参考来源 - 吉林延边地区早白垩世西山坪组的铁角蕨属·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: genus Asplenium
以上来源于: WordNet
N any fern of the very large genus Asplenium, of worldwide distribution. Some, esp the bird's nest fern (A. nidus), are grown as greenhouse or house plants for their decorative evergreen fronds: family Polypodiaceae 铁角蕨属植物 → see also spleenwort