铁角凤尾草 common maidenhair spleenwort herb with root; maidenhair spleenwort 铁角凤尾草属的植物 spleenwort 一月叁十日铁角凤尾草 maidenhairspleenwort .
mhelpnhair spleenwort 铁角凤尾草
Peking spleenwort 小凤尾草
yunnan spleenwort herb 凤尾猪鬃草
Sickle Spleenwort 镰叶铁角蕨
spleenwort t 铁角蕨
Mother Spleenwort 大铁角蕨
以上来源于: WordNet
N any of various ferns of the genus Asplenium, esp A. trichomanes, that often grows on walls, having linear or oblong sori on the undersurface of the fronds 铁角蕨属植物 → see also asplenium