...n查找名字的规则,下面是LGB规则: 大多数名字引用在三个作用域中查找:先局部(Local),次之全局(Global),再次之内置(Build-in)。>>> a=2>>> b=2>>> def test(b):.
2.2.5 为了减轻内存的负担,Mathematica 除将最经常使用的一些命令作为内部命令(build-in) 外,把使用相对较少的命令或函数分类储存,形成了多个外部函数库(packages)。
build-in calibrator 机内校准器
Build in glass 分层入杯
Build in Time 房屋速建队 ; 建筑时光
build-in type 内建数据类型 ; 内置数据类型 ; 内建类型 ; 内装型
Build-in Battery 机内电池 ; 内置蓄电池 ; 自含电池
Build-in Package 创建内置包
Build in Self Test 内建自测试法 ; 自测试
V to incorporate or construct as an integral part 整合; (作为整体的一部分)造入
to build in safety features
His compatriots are at last beginning to believe that the sandcastles we build in our minds are not going to be simply washed away by the morning tide.
"Do you know," Peter asked, "why swallows build in the eaves of houses?"
The Red Flag Canal was started to build in the 1960s.