[ 复数 clouds 第三人称单数 clouds 现在分词 clouding 过去式 clouded 过去分词 clouded ]
...云计算(cloud computing)是依赖互联网存在的,为互联网用户提供分布方式、高可用、可信度高、成本低、计算能力强、存贮空间的无限量、数据、信...
Cloud Computing 云计算 ; 云计较 ; 云端计算
Oort cloud 奥尔特云 ; 欧特云 ; 奥尔特星云 ; 奥特云
Mushroom Cloud [核] 蘑菇云 ; 蘑茹状烟云
cloud chamber [气象] 云室 ; 云零室 ; 雾室
noctilucent cloud [气象] 夜光云 ; 日光云 ; 暗夜之云 ; 夜光
Tag Cloud 标签云 ; 标签 ; 标签云图 ; 标记云
Red Cloud 红云 ; 赤芸 ; 红色的云
Cloud forest 云雾森林 ; 云雾林 ; [气象] 云林
cirrus cloud [气象] 卷云
The vertical variation of divergence in the low-cloud areas is just converse to that in the high-cloud areas.
参考来源 - 基于ISCCP观测的云量全球分布及其在NCEP再分析场中的指示·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"his head was in the clouds"
"the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French"
"after that mistake he was under a cloud"
"a cloud of butterflies"
同义词: swarm
同义词: overcast
"The stars are obscured by the clouds"
"The smoke clouded above the houses"
"Their faces were clouded with sadness"
"The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR A cloud is a mass of water vapour that floats in the sky. Clouds are usually white or grey in colour. 云
...the varied shapes of the clouds.
...a black mass of cloud.
N-COUNT A cloud of something such as smoke or dust is a mass of it floating in the air. (烟尘) 团
The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust.
V-T If you say that something clouds your view of a situation, you mean that it makes you unable to understand the situation or judge it properly. 蒙蔽
Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
V-T If you say that something clouds a situation, you mean that it makes it unpleasant. 使不快
The atmosphere has already been clouded by the party's anger at the media.
V-T/V-I If glass clouds or if moisture clouds it, tiny drops of water cover the glass, making it difficult to see through. 起雾
The mirror clouded beside her cheek.