[ 第三人称单数 diverges 现在分词 diverging 过去式 diverged 过去分词 diverged ]
题目 通过比较下列两个式子,求出前者是收敛(converge)还是发散(diverge)不要计算前者 数学厚渺酥51102014-11-09 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 优质解答 第二个=arctan...
diverge predictor 分支预测器
time diverge 时刻分叉
diverge positively 发散积极
grewithnuhas diverge 一年生枝
fork diverge 叉开
to diverge 岔开 ; 偏离 ; 发散
diverge switch 分支开关
diverge degree 偏移度
V-RECIP If one thing diverges from another similar thing, the first thing becomes different from the second or develops differently from it. You can also say that two things diverge. 相异
His interests increasingly diverged from those of his colleagues.
V-RECIP If one opinion or idea diverges from another, they contradict each other or are different. You can also say that two opinions or ideas diverge. 有分歧 [no cont]
The view of the Estonian government does not diverge that far from Lipmaa's thinking.
Opinions diverge greatly on this issue.
The parallel lines appear to diverge.
Second, it appears that closely related populations of fishes on both sides of the isthmus are starting to genetically diverge from each other.
There's a pretty interesting and potentially important gender factor going on here where the women in the orange line, after about this point, start to diverge.