“精神”是个多义词,它可以指精神(晚唐司空图《二十四诗品》之一), 精神(哲学术语), 精神(汉语词语)。
...床医学_医药卫生_专业资料。精神医学基础 foundation of psychiatry 第一章 绪论第一节 概述 ? 一、几个定义 ? 1、精神 (psyche)指..
精神文明 cultural progress; cultural and ethical progress; intellectual and cultural progress ; cultural and ethical progress ; advanced culture and ideology ; spiritual civilization
科学精神 the scientific spirit ; scientific spirit ; spirit of science; scientific principle ; spirit of science
上海精神 the Shanghai Spirit ; Shanghai Spirit ; the “Shanghai Spirit”
民族精神 the national spirit ; national spirit; the spirit of the nation ; Chinese national spirit
精神哲学 philosophy of mind; philosophy of spirit ; Philosophy of Mind; Die Philosophie des Geistes ; Philosophy of Mind
论精神 Essay on the Mind ; Essay on the Mind; De l’esprit
精神科学 science of spirit; spirit science; Geisteswissenschaften ; science of spirit; spirit science ; Geisteswissenschaften ; Human studies
绝对精神 absolute spirit; absolute mind ; absolute spirit; absolute mind; absoluter Geist ; Absolute Spirit ; absolute mind
团队精神 Team Spirit ; Teamwork ; esprit de corps
And he poses for this photo as an intake photo as he enters St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Insane in Washington.
There's a lot of body work involved to balance the, kind of uniting the body, mind and spirit, yeah.
How does all this work? Brooks believes that he can understand it, as we'll try to explain, in psychoanalytic terms.