加拿大新布伦瑞克大学专业设置,加拿大新布伦瑞克大学... ... 民俗研究(Folklore Studies) 同性恋研究(Gay & Lesbian Studies) 国际关系(International Relations) ...
同性恋/女同性恋研究 Gay/Lesbian Studies
Studies suggest that the majority of gender-variant boys will grow up to be gay men, with experts putting the figure at anywhere from 70 percent to 95 percent.
An earlier study by the same team found gay men and straight women outperformed lesbians and straight men at tasks designed to test verbal fluency.
Researchers who did follow-up interviews with some respondents also noticed significant changes in the way people spoke about gay issues over the last seven years.
Now, what they did was--they were clever psychologists so they set it up in a study where the people did not know sexual orientation was at issue.
And they actually did a really large study on children who were raised in gay or lesbian families,
That's not a scientific term but the same psychologists were interested in studying how quickly you can-- if at all how long does it take to figure out somebody's sexual orientation?