为供应本局及国内生物检定实验用菌种,本局自民国71年起,即以冷冻干燥法制备供试菌种,并以安瓿(Ampule)代替 小瓶 ( Vial ),加以熔封来确保安瓿内真空度。现已制备42种供试菌种,可供国内学术界及业者使用。
ampule printer 安瓿印字机
ampule cutter 安瓿割开器
ampule shutter 安瓿封口机
ampule filter 安瓿灌汲器
ampule case 安瓿盒
ampule washing machine 安瓿洗涤机
ampule filling 安瓿灌注
ampule sealing 安瓿封口
After several hours the ampule contents were dissolved in DMF, precipitated into acetone and dried in vacuo.
The facial relies on caviar ampule, honey, sea buckthorn, and gold to help combat the signs of aging and to brighten the skin.
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by laboratory-pure water.
临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10 毫升于250 毫升容量瓶中,用纯水定容。