[ 复数 bills 第三人称单数 bills 现在分词 billing 过去式 billed 过去分词 billed ]
Chapter 2 focuses on the legal relationship between the bill discounting.
参考来源 - 商业银行票据贴现业务法律问题研究(研究生论文)First, the paper researches bill markets of developed countries (area), summarizes their experiences.
参考来源 - 票据市场的比较研究及对中国的启示 (研究生论文)Once the President decided to veto a bill, he must explain the reason why he vetoed it. Moreover, the reason of veto should be persuasive.
二、总统否决权的运作 总统一旦决定要否决某项议案,他必须书写否决文书以阐明运用否决的理由,而且总统的否决理由还要具有说服力。
参考来源 - 美国总统否决权的确立及其运作探析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"they held a public hearing on the bill"
同义词: measure
"he paid his bill and left"
同义词: note government note bank bill banker's bill bank note banknote Federal Reserve note greenback
同义词: circular handbill broadside broadsheet flier flyer throwaway
"he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree"
同义词: billhook
"he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A bill is a written statement of money that you owe for goods or services. 账单
They couldn't afford to pay the bills.
He paid his bill for the newspapers promptly.
V-T If you bill someone for goods or services you have provided them with, you give or send them a bill stating how much money they owe you for these goods or services. 给…开账单 [no cont]
Are you going to bill me for this?
N-COUNT A bill is a piece of paper money. 纸币 [美国英语]
The case contained a large quantity of U.S. dollar bills.
N-COUNT In government, a bill is a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on. 议案
This is the toughest crime bill that Congress has passed in a decade.
N-SING The bill of a show or concert is a list of the entertainers who will take part in it. 演出人员名单
Bob Dylan topped the bill.
N-SING The bill in a restaurant is a piece of paper on which the price of the meal you have just eaten is written and which you are given before you pay. (餐馆的) 账单 [英国英语]
After coffee, Gastler asked for the bill.
V-T If someone is billed to appear in a particular show, it has been advertised that they are going to be in it. 宣传 (某人出演某戏) [usu passive]
She was billed to play the Wicked Queen in "Snow White."
billing N-UNCOUNT 演员表
...their quarrels over star billing.
V-T If you bill a person or event as a particular thing, you advertise them in a way that makes people think they have particular qualities or abilities. 把…宣传为
They bill it as California's most exciting museum.
N-COUNT A bird's bill is its beak. 喙
PHRASE If you say that someone or something fits the bill or fills the bill, you mean that they are suitable for a particular job or purpose. 符合要求
If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.