...fund-raising)的报导中指,市主计长刘醇逸指派其竞选顾问司徒仲菁到现代美术馆(Museum of Modern Art)理事会(board of trustees)作为他的代表,担任理事,质疑在会中唯一亚裔的司徒仲菁适用能力。
The Board of Trustees 燕大事务由托事部 ; 董事会 ; 基金会 ; 受托人委员会
International Board of Trustees 国际理事会
Trustee Board of Trustees 校董事会董事
NUS Board of Trustees 新加坡国立大学校董会
Board of Trustees in America 美国托事部
state college board of trustees 州立学院总管中心
board of trustees model 保管者委员会模式
the MSU Board of Trustees 根州立大学董事委员会
He was hauled up before the board of trustees.
The board of trustees decided to kick the President of the company upstairs.
If the plan cleared the committee, and if the board of trustees approved it, Blum could hold an auction in the fall.