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[ˈkæriɪŋ] [ˈkæriɪŋ]

  • v. 运送,输送;携带;传染,传播;能记住;承重;承担责任;具有(品质或特点);带来;获得支持或通过;登载;销售;怀孕;进位(carry 的现在分词)



...套件,也异样有79-82年15场GP胜出(Win)的记载,但我依然采用了MP4-4不仅仅是由于88年的15次GP优越,也不仅仅是由于她搭载(Carrying)了微弱的本田引擎和划时代的碳纤维车身(Car body),我选拔MP4-4更多(More)是由于她是塞那和普罗丝特声威的开仗军器



... cargoreight货物 carrying搬运 chainconeyor链条式保送机带 ...



事发(Incident)于本地时代周五(Friday)下昼4时,向上司请教前,事先想好问题的解决方法旅游巴当时 载着 ( Carrying )近30名中原搭客,由大峡谷经州际93号公路(Highway),北行驶向拉斯维加斯,学如逆水行舟不进则退,心似平原放马易放难收。



...ible rist矫捷的手腕儿retrieve救球long service发远球 clear高远球sing of the body身板扭转placement落点好的球 carrying持球 back room 端线外空隙 out of position站错位,脱离了基本位置 backcourt player后场球员change courts互换园地 ..



Carrying Cost 保管费 ; 持有成本 ; 资金成本差额 ; 利息成本

carrying capacity [力] [铁路] 承载能力 ; 载重量 ; 运载量 ; 承载力

Carrying value 账面价值 ; 帐面价值 ; 账面结存价值 ; 现存价值

Carrying Case 手提箱 ; 运输箱 ; 装载盒 ; 携带箱

carrying vessel 运货船只 ; 搬运船 ; 装货船只

Carrying you 天空之城 ; 天空之城钢琴谱 ; 伴随着你 ; 钢琴版

carrying time [交] 载客时间

carrying cost rate 保管费率 ; 持有成本率

carrying amount 维持费用 ; 账面金额 ; 账面价值 ; 账面余额

  • 持股 - 引用次数:18

    参考来源 - 中国员工持股法律制度研究
  • 承载 - 引用次数:954

    参考来源 - 冷弯薄壁型钢轴心受压构件在残余应力影响下的整体稳定性研究
  • 搬运 - 引用次数:1

    The Hangzhou bay bridge is the longest bridge at sea in the world. In the construction of the bridge, the super sized girder carrier(two 800t carrying implement with tyres) are used to carry the 1400t box girder.


    参考来源 - 超大型运梁设备对预制场地基基础影响分析
  • (土地等)出产(作物),生产:
  • (音调相当准确地)奏;唱:
  • 把(球)击过头;使(球)越出(目标);一击越过
  • 驿运 - 引用次数:3

    At the same time, with the prosperity of the carrying, some relatingindustries developed, such as the horse inns and the making of gears.


    参考来源 - 民国时期的云南马帮驿运
  • 有(某种商品)出售;备办(货物);经营:
  • 载运作用


carry [ 'kæriiŋ ]

  • n. the act of carrying something
  • v.
    • move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body

      "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"

      同义词: transport

    • have with oneself; have on one's person

      "I always carry money"

      同义词: pack take

    • transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

      "The airwaves carry the sound"

      同义词: conduct transmit convey channel

    • serve as a means for expressing something

      同义词: convey express

    • bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of

      "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"

    • support or hold in a certain manner

      同义词: hold bear

    • contain or hold; have within

      同义词: hold bear contain

    • extend to a certain degree

      "carry too far"

    • continue or extend

      同义词: extend

    • be necessarily associated with or result in or involve
    • win in an election
    • include, as on a list
    • behave in a certain manner

      同义词: behave acquit bear deport conduct comport

    • have on hand

      "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"

      同义词: stock stockpile

    • include as the content; broadcast or publicize

      同义词: run

    • propel,

      同义词: dribble

    • pass on a communication
    • have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence

      "These bonds carry warrants"

    • be conveyed over a certain distance
    • keep up with financial support
    • have or possess something abstract

      "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"

    • be equipped with (a mast or sail)

      "This boat can only carry a small sail"

    • win approval or support for

      同义词: persuade sway

    • compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance

      "I resent having to carry her all the time"

    • take further or advance

      "carry a cause"

    • have on the surface or on the skin

      "carry scars"

    • capture after a fight
    • transfer (entries) from one account book to another

      同义词: post

    • transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication

      "put down 5 and carry 2"

    • pursue a line of scent or be a bearer

      "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"

    • bear (a crop)

      "this land does not carry olives"

    • propel or give impetus to
    • drink alcohol without showing ill effects

      "he had drunk more than he could carry"

      同义词: hold

    • be able to feed

      "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"

    • have a certain range
    • cover a certain distance or advance beyond
    • secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions)
    • be successful in
    • sing or play against other voices or parts

      "He cannot carry a tune"

    • be pregnant with

      "I am carrying his child"

      同义词: have a bun in the oven bear gestate expect

以上来源于: WordNet


carry /ˈkærɪ/ CET4 TEM4 ( carrying, carried, carries )

  • 1. 

    V-T If you carry something, you take it with you, holding it so that it does not touch the ground. 提; 抱


    He was carrying a briefcase.



    She carried her son to the car.


  • 2. 

    V-T If you carry something, you have it with you wherever you go. 携带


    You have to carry a pager so that they can call you in at any time.


  • 3. 

    V-T If something carries a person or thing somewhere, it takes them there. 传送


    Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant.



    The delegation was carrying a message of thanks to President Mubarak.


  • 4. 

    V-T If a person or animal is carrying a disease, they are infected with it and can pass it on to other people or animals. 携带 (病毒)


    The test could be used to screen healthy people to see if they are carrying the virus.


  • 5. 

    V-T If an action or situation has a particular quality or consequence, you can say that it carries it. 具有; 带有 [no passive, no cont]


    Check that any medication you're taking carries no risk for your developing baby.


  • 6. 

    V-T If a quality or advantage carries someone into a particular position or through a difficult situation, it helps them to achieve that position or deal with that situation. 使位居; 使通过


    He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the cabinet.


  • 7. 

    V-T If you carry an idea or a method to a particular extent, you use or develop it to that extent. 运用; 发挥


    It's not such a new idea, but I carried it to extremes.


  • 8. 

    V-T If a newspaper or poster carries a picture or a piece of writing, it contains it or displays it. 刊登


    Several papers carry the photograph of Mr. Anderson.


  • 9. 

    V-T In a debate, if a proposal or motion is carried, a majority of people vote in favour of it. 以多数票通过 [usu passive]


    A motion backing its economic policy was carried by 322 votes to 296.


  • 10. 

    V-T If a crime carries a particular punishment, a person who is found guilty of that crime will receive that punishment. 受 (某种处罚) [no cont]


    It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.


  • 11. 

    V-I If a sound carries, it can be heard a long way away. (声音) 传得远


    Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far.


  • 12. 

    V-T If you carry yourself in a particular way, you walk and move in that way. 带…姿态


    They carried themselves with great pride and dignity.


  • 13. 

    PHRASE If you get carried away or are carried away, you are so eager or excited about something that you do something hasty or foolish. 忘乎所以


    I got completely carried away and almost cried.


  • 14. 

    to carry weight →see weight


carrying capacity 承载能力;载运容量

carrying trade 海外贸易,转口贸易

load carrying 承载的

load carrying capacity [化]负荷能力;载重量

carrying vessel 承运船只,装货船只

current carrying 带电的,载流的

carrying case 手提箱;装载盒,携带用箱;运输箱

carrying ability 载重量,载弹量

carrying amount 维持费用

carrying value 置存价值,储囤价值;现存价值

current carrying capacity 载凛量(等于最大允许电流);电凛许量;载流容量

carrying pole 扁担



  • She came out of the bushes and looked up into the face of a tall young man carrying a gun.

    VOA: special.2010.04.03

  • If you've got a problem that has units associated with it, do the exercise of carrying the units through because, guess what?


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • He learned all there was To learn about not launching out too soon And so not carrying the tree away clear to the ground.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选



carrying capacity 承载能力;载运容量

carrying trade 海外贸易,转口贸易

load carrying 承载的

load carrying capacity [化]负荷能力;载重量

carrying vessel 承运船只,装货船只

current carrying 带电的,载流的

carrying case 手提箱;装载盒,携带用箱;运输箱

carrying ability 载重量,载弹量

carrying amount 维持费用

carrying value 置存价值,储囤价值;现存价值

current carrying capacity 载凛量(等于最大允许电流);电凛许量;载流容量

carrying pole 扁担

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