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[stɒk] [stɑːk]

  • n. 现货,存货;储备物,备用物;股本,资本;股份,股票;<英>公债,公债券;家畜,牲畜;种族,家系;高汤,原汤;手足枷(stocks);柄,枪托;名声,声望;紫罗兰;接穗,砧木;根茎,根状茎;<美>保留剧目轮演剧团;信任,相信;铁路上使用的所有车辆;(胶卷)原片;发剩下的牌;(商品的)原材料;锚杆;主轴台,主轴箱(headstock 的简写);尾架,尾座(tailstock 的简写);白色领结,白色领带;(牧师衣领下系的)黑色领带;船台(stocks)
  • v. 备有,存有;摆满,供应;为(枪等火器)装枪托;出新芽
  • adj. 老一套的,陈腐的;(商店)库存的,常备的;(有关)电影资料镜头的
  • 【名】 (Stock)(德、匈、捷)施托克,(英、法、葡、瑞典)斯托克(人名)

[ 复数 stocks 第三人称单数 stocks 现在分词 stocking 过去式 stocked 过去分词 stocked ]


  [贸易] 库存

降低物流成本方法浅谈-毕业论文参考网 关键词:物流成本、库存、供应链 [gap=944]KEYWORDS:logistics costs,stock,supply chain management


  [贸易] 存货

计算机毕业设计|计算机毕业论文|毕业设计|毕业论文-其他设计 关键词:企业;存货;控制 [gap=867]Key words: enterprise; stock; control


  [材] 原料

... torture n.拷打审问;熬煎vt.拷打 stock n.原料;仓储品;股本 protective a.掩护的,防备保护的 ...


  [金融] 股票




stock market 股市 ; 股票市场 ; [金融] 证券市场 ; 绿茵股市

Safety Stock [计] 安全库存 ; 安全储备 ; 安全库存量

Common stock [金融] 普通股 ; 普通股票 ; 普通股股本 ; 普通贡

stock exchange 证券交易所 ; 证券营业部 ; 股票交易所

Preferred stock [金融] 优先股 ; 优先股票 ; 特别股 ; 优先贡

stock option 股票期权 ; 股票选择权 ; 认股权 ; 股票购买权

treasury stock 库藏股 ; [金融] 库存股 ; [金融] 库存股份 ; 留存股票

London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所 ; 伦敦股票交易所 ; 伦敦证交所 ; 股票交易所

penny stock 细价股 ; 蚊型股 ; 低价股 ; 低价股票



  • n.
    • the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)

      "he owns a controlling share of the company's stock"

    • liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces

      "she made gravy with a base of beef stock"

      同义词: broth

    • the merchandise that a shop has on hand

      同义词: inventory

    • a supply of something available for future use

      同义词: store fund

    • not used technically; any animals kept for use or profit

      同义词: livestock farm animal

    • the descendants of one individual

      同义词: lineage line line of descent descent bloodline blood line blood pedigree ancestry origin parentage stemma

    • the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun

      "the rifle had been fitted with a special stock"

      同义词: gunstock

    • the reputation and popularity a person has

      "his stock was so high he could have been elected mayor"

    • a special variety of domesticated animals within a species

      同义词: breed strain

    • lumber used in the construction of something

      "they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter"

    • a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation

      "the value of his stocks doubled during the past year"

      同义词: stock certificate

    • any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia

      同义词: Malcolm stock

    • a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants
    • any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers

      同义词: gillyflower

    • the handle end of some implements or tools

      "he grabbed the cue by the stock"

    • persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant

      同义词: caudex

    • an ornamental white cravat

      同义词: neckcloth

  • v.
    • have on hand

      同义词: carry stockpile

    • equip with a stock

      "stock a rifle"

    • supply with fish

      "stock a lake"

    • supply with livestock

      "stock a farm"

    • stock up on to keep for future use or sale

      "let's stock coffee as long as prices are low"

      同义词: buy in

    • provide or furnish with a stock of something

      "stock the larder with meat"

    • put forth and grow sprouts or shoots

      同义词: sprout

  • adj.

以上来源于: WordNet


stock /stɒk/ CET4 TEM4 ( stocking, stocked, stocks )

  • 1. 

    N-COUNT Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid. 股票; 证券 [商业]


    ...the buying and selling of stocks and shares.


  • 2. 

    N-UNCOUNT A company's stock is the amount of money which the company has through selling shares. (公司的) 股票价值 [商业]


    Two years later, when Compaq went public, their stock was valued at $38 million.


  • 3. 

    V-T If a shop stocks particular products, it keeps a supply of them to sell. 有…存货 [no cont]


    The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled paper.


  • 4. 

    N-UNCOUNT A shop's stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell. 存货


    When a nearby shop burned down, our stock was ruined by smoke.


  • 5. 

    V-T If you stock something such as a cupboard, shelf, or room, you fill it with food or other things. 给…装满


    I worked stocking shelves in a grocery shop.



    Some families stocked their cellars with food and water.


  • 6. 

    PHRASAL VERB Stock up means the same as . 给…装满


    I had to stock the boat up with food.


  • 7. 

    N-COUNT If you have a stock of things, you have a supply of them stored in a place ready to be used. 储备


    I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques.


  • 8. 

    ADJ A stock answer, expression, or way of doing something is one that is very commonly used, especially because people cannot be bothered to think of something new. (回答、表达或做事方式) 老一套的 [ADJ n]


    My boss had a stock response – "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


  • 9. 

    N-MASS Stock is a liquid, usually made by boiling meat, bones, or vegetables in water, that is used to give flavour to soups and sauces. (以肉、骨头或蔬菜煮成的) 高汤


    Finally, add the beef stock.


  • 10. 

    → see also stocking

  • 11. 

    PHRASE If goods are in stock, a shop has them available to sell. If they are out of stock, it does not. 有货/缺货


    Check that your size is in stock.


  • 12. 

    PHRASE If you take stock, you pause to think about all the aspects of a situation or event before deciding what to do next. 估量


    It was time to take stock of the situation.


  • 13. 

    lock, stock, and barrel →see barrel


stock market 股票市场;证券市场;股票交易

in stock 有存货;现有

stock exchange 证券交易所

stock price 股票价格;股票行市;交易所卖价

stock raising n. 畜牧业

stock index 股票指数;证券指数

joint stock 合股

out of stock adv. 已脱销

stock option 职工优先认股权

stock company 股份公司

on the stock exchange 在证券交易(或买卖)上  

take stock 清查存货;评估状况

shanghai stock exchange 上海证券交易所

rolling stock 全部车辆

new york stock exchange 纽约证券交易所

nursery stock 苗木

capital stock 股本,股金总额

common stock 普通股;普通股股本

stock investment n. 股票投资

stock management 库存管理;股票管理


词根: stock


stockholding 持有股份的


stockbroker [金融] 股票经纪人

stockholder 股东;股票持有人

stocker 储料器;装料工

stockist 有库存的批发商或零售商,存有货物出售的商行

stockholding 持有的股票(或证券)




stock market 股票市场;证券市场;股票交易

in stock 有存货;现有

stock exchange 证券交易所

stock price 股票价格;股票行市;交易所卖价

stock raising n. 畜牧业

stock index 股票指数;证券指数

joint stock 合股

out of stock adv. 已脱销

stock option 职工优先认股权

stock company 股份公司

on the stock exchange 在证券交易(或买卖)上  

take stock 清查存货;评估状况

shanghai stock exchange 上海证券交易所

rolling stock 全部车辆

new york stock exchange 纽约证券交易所

nursery stock 苗木

capital stock 股本,股金总额

common stock 普通股;普通股股本

stock investment n. 股票投资

stock management 库存管理;股票管理

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