... 中国传统家具 Chinese traditional furniture 中国古典家具 Chinese furniture ; Chinese chair ; Classical Chinese Furniture 中国国际家具展 Furniture China ...
早在1922年就出版过《中国家具》(Chinese Furniture)一书,书中收录了法、德等国收藏家的50多件来自中国的明清家具。该书出版规模非常小,除部分博物馆藏外,并不易见。
...俱陈设 ; 木制家具设计 ; 家私设计 Furniture fittings 家具五金 ; 家具配件 ; 家具 ; 区域中国买家 Chinese furniture 明式家具 ; 中国古典家具 ; 中国家具 ; 中式家具 ..
Classical Chinese Furniture 中国古典家具
Chinese Furniture Industry 中国家具业
New Chinese Furniture 新中式家具
Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture 明式家具研究
Chinese Furniture Materials City 中国家具材料
Chinese Furniture Manufacturing Town 中国家具制造重镇
Chinese Furniture Manufacturing Center 中国家具制造重镇
Modern Chinese furniture 现代中式家具 ; 中式现代家具
chinese furniture market 中国家具市场
The development of Chinese furniture industry is up to now, and face many challenges and difficulties.
参考来源 - 中西古典家具文化的比较This paper mainly introduced the present situation and developmental tendency of the world and Chinese furniture and raised the principal measures of developing the Chinese Furniture Industry.
参考来源 - 家具工业的现状与发展趋势·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet