六、附合契约 (contract of adhesion) 内涵:保险契约条款由保险人单方预先拟定,要保人无「内容自由 ,仅剩缔约与否 之选择(缔约自由),复合契约基本上为定型化契约...
附合合同(contract of adhesion),又称格式合同(standard form contract),是指一方当事人对于另一方当事人实现已经确定的合同条款只能表示同意或者不同意的合同...
So offerer must provide chance in reason to make offeree know about the contract of adhesion . when deciding the effect of the contract of adhesion ,the mandatory rules and the basic principle of civil law shouldbe considered.
在关于格式合同的效力的认定方面,一般而言,通常采用两种方法判断格式条款的效力。 一是根据格式条款是否违背民法或者合同法的强行性规定而判断其效力;一是根据案件中的各种具体情事,适用民法的基本原则判断其效力。
参考来源 - 论格式合同的利益冲突与平衡·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: adhesion contract
以上来源于: WordNet
Insurance contract as a classic contract of adhesion, will benefiting both the insurers and the insureds.
The author holds that, in the interpretation of items in a contract of adhesion, a principle that is beneficial to the other party sho…
Although adhesion contracts differ with other previous types of contract, the writers hold that they have their inherent basic characteristics.