... 大流行动物病 panepizootic 动物流行病的 epizootic 动物流行病学 epizoology; epizootiological; epizootiology ...
Epizootic Lymphangitis 马流行性淋巴管炎 ; [兽医] 流行性淋巴管炎
non-epizootic 非疫区
Porcine Epizootic Diarrhea 猪流行性腹泻
epizootic aphtha 爆发口蹄疫 ; 暴发口蹄疫
epizootic origin 列疫起源
epizootic disease 动物列病 ; 动物流行病
epizootic arthritis 兽疫性关节炎
"an epizootic disease"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ (of a disease) suddenly and temporarily affecting a large number of animals over a large area 兽疫流行的
N an epizootic disease 动物流行病 → compare enzootic
In the areas the disease occurs annually in epizootic form.
Tremor disease (TD) is the most serious epizootic of the crab in recent years.
Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented.