... felling wedge 伐木楔 felling 采伐 felling-delimbing-bucking equipment 伐木打枝造材机械 ...
sanitation felling 卫生伐 ; 合理地砍伐
felling cycle [林] 采伐周期 ; 轮伐期 ; 采伐间隔期
felling saw [林] 伐木锯
felling machine [林] 伐木机
tree felling saw [林] 伐木锯
felling marks [纺] 分匹色纬
single bit felling axe 单刃伐木斧 ; 单刃斩柴斧
Regular forest felling was beneficial for the geneneration and the growth of young trees in Larix gmelinii forest. We could not only get direct economic benefits through forest felling but also maintain some ecological benefits.
一定强度的采伐有利于兴安落叶松林的更新和幼苗、幼树的生 “\一长,从而既得到了直接的经济效益,同时又可以保持一定的生态效益。
参考来源 - 全球变化的中国北方林生态系统生产力及其生态系统公益These kind of art work is much important to describe the inner felling of the artist, the early stages freedmen of the art creativity only been released just now from it value principle.
参考来源 - 论绘画作品中有意味的“非完整性”·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: hide
同义词: felled seam
同义词: drop strike down cut down
以上来源于: WordNet
Fell is the past tense of . (fall)的过去式
V-T If trees are felled, they are cut down. 砍伐 [usu passive]
Badly infected trees should be felled and burned.
ADJ cruel or fierce; terrible 凶残的; 可怕的 [archaic]
in one fell swoop →see swoop
N-COUNT an animal skin or hide 兽皮
N-COUNT a mountain, hill, or tract of upland moor 高地沼泽的山丘或土地
N-COUNT (in combination) 高沼泽地
During construction, builders were threatened with $7,500 fines for felling trees unnecessarily.
These beavers do know how to build dams, and do so if the need arises, as may occur if they are forced to relocate after felling and consuming all nearby trees.
He gashed his leg while felling trees.