[ 复数 hides 第三人称单数 hides 现在分词 hiding 过去式 hid 过去分词 hid或hidden ]
...也可以转换文件系统(比如把fat32转为fat16),但这里功能较弱,基本上是不可以转换的时候居多。所以这个功能可以忽略。 隐藏(hide):把一个分区隐藏,这是常要用到的功能,但在diskgenius里面可以轻松操作的。
...ride)是指派生类函数覆盖基类函数:函数名相同;参数相同;基类函数必须有Virtual关键字;不同的范围(派生类和基类)。隐藏(hide)是指派生类屏蔽了基类的同名函数相同1、 函数名相同,但参数不同,此时不论基类有无Virtual关键字,基类函数将被隐藏。
hide and seek 捉迷藏 ; 躲猫猫 ; 藏猫猫
Nowhere to Hide 无处藏身 ; 无处躲藏 ; 强捕 ; 无处可逃
Hide-and-Seek 躲猫猫 ; 藏猫猫 ; 游戏名称
Hide All 隐藏全部 ; [计] 全部隐藏 ; 隐藏所有 ; 隐蔽全部
cattle hide 大牛皮 ; [皮革] 牛皮 ; 成牛皮 ; 磺化油
cow hide 牛皮 ; 躲牛
Hide Selection 隐藏选区 ; 隐藏选择对象 ; 隐藏选择 ; 隐藏当前选择
Hide Layer 隐藏层 ; 隐含层 ; 隐层 ; 隐藏
Hide Track 飞蛾扑火 ; 怕黑的孩子 ; 蛾扑火 ; 亲密爱人
V-T If you hide something or someone, you put them in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found. 把…藏起来
He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge.
V-T/V-I If you hide or if you hide yourself, you go somewhere where you cannot easily be seen or found. 躲藏
At their approach the little boy scurried and hid.
V-T If you hide your face, you press your face against something or cover your face with something, so that people cannot see it. 捂住; 把 (脸) 埋在
She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and started to cry.
V-T If you hide what you feel or know, you keep it a secret, so that no one knows about it. 掩饰
Lee tried to hide his excitement.
V-T If something hides an object, it covers it and prevents it from being seen. 遮盖
The man's heavy moustache hid his upper lip completely.
V-T to flog 出售 [非正式]
N-VAR A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather. 兽皮
...the process of tanning animal hides.
N-VAR a place of concealment, usually disguised to appear as part of the natural environment, used by hunters, birdwatchers, etc 隐蔽处; 藏身处 (US and Canadian equivalent blind) [英国英语]
N-VAR an obsolete Brit unit of land measure, varying in magnitude from about 60 to 120 acres (英国,旧)海得; 土地面积单位,约合60至120英亩