guy cable [力] 拉索 ; 拉缆 ; 缆风
height of guy cable tower 拉索塔架高 ; 拉锁塔架高 ; 电磁
Guy cable tower 拉索塔架
Guy cable tower high 拉索塔架高度
The Cable Guy 王牌特派员 ; 有线电视修理工 ; 衰鬼线人 ; 有线电视狂
larry the cable guy 王牌接线员拉里 ; 有线电视的拉瑞 ; 丹尼尔韦尼 ; 线员推里
guy cable design 拉索设计
guy cable system 缆风系统
Style Sins: Hoffman isn't Silicon Valley's most flagrant style offender, but it is easy to mistake him for the cable guy who shows up for appointments sometime between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
With the car back to the town of lu Lang, not long, lucky to catch a fifth car, is a cable to Bomi maintenance work car, the car sitting on a big brother and a guy.