... 法定筹备金 required reserves;reserve requirement 监犯股 institutional shares 监犯股东 institutional shareholders ...
A typical listed company in China has several types of share outstanding: (i) common shares that are only tradable on stock exchanges, (ii) restricted institutional shares (RIS) that are not tradable and can only be transferred privately or through irregularly scheduled auctions, and (iii) state shares that are only transferable privately.
参考来源 - 从流动性和控制权分析非流通股折价的原因及对公司治理的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
There are now dozens of “dark pools” of liquidity, in which banks and institutional investors anonymously trade large blocks of shares.
Private and institutional shareholders are angry because the deal ignores their pre-emption rights – they should have first refusal on any new shares issued – and would dilute their stakes.
Despite this heady figure, the tranche of shares being marketed to institutional investors is over eight times oversubscribed; the one for individuals, almost 30 times.