suction lift of pump 泵吸入压头 ; 泵的吸升高度
lift of pump suction 泵的抽吸高度
suction n lift of pump 泵的吸升高度
suction lift of a pump 吸式挖泥船
theoretical lift of centrifugal pump 离心泵的理论扬程
The lift of a pump 泵的提升力
Lift pump of 泵升抑制
Already silently fuming that he hadn't offered to do his share of the driving, Ms. Floyd was astounded when her then-boyfriend didn't lift a finger to pump the gas.
The water flow velocity in the suction pipe, which is crucial for evaluating the performance on pumping fish, can be measured by the pumped water flow rate of the riser in an air lift pump system.
This year, instead of making the same old New year resolutions, perhaps it would be more meaningful to prime the pump with the very qualities you would like to see more of in your lift!